employees – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education https://jriiejournal.com Thu, 25 May 2023 06:45:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://jriiejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cropped-JRIIE-LOGO-1-32x32.jpg employees – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education https://jriiejournal.com 32 32 194867206 Employees Motivation and Financial Performance of Hotel Business in Rwanda: A case Study of Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club https://jriiejournal.com/employees-motivation-and-financial-performance-of-hotel-business-in-rwanda-a-case-study-of-hill-top-hotel-and-country-club/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=employees-motivation-and-financial-performance-of-hotel-business-in-rwanda-a-case-study-of-hill-top-hotel-and-country-club Thu, 25 May 2023 06:42:06 +0000 https://jriiejournal.com/?p=3359 Read More Read More

William Mudahemuka – University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies, Rwanda
Emmanuel Kasaija – University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies, Rwanda
Reginald Octave Muhoza – University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies, Rwanda
Sesay Osman Ibrahim – Rudolph Kwanue University, Liberia
Email: williamuda@gmail.com

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of employee motivation on financial performance of hotel business in Rwanda with a case of Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club. The following specific objectives guided the study: To identify the different types of employee motivation, to find out the contribution of employee motivation to the financial performance, to determine the challenges facing employee motivation at Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club. The study sample size was 39. The questionnaire and interview guide were used to collect primary data. The results indicated the major type of employee motivation used by Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club was an improved working environment with a rate of 26%. The findings also revealed that Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club maintains employee motivation by increasing employee performance leading to the contribution of financial performance at a rate of 36%. Finally, the findings showed that 33.3% of the respondents answered that poor understanding of the motivations behind repeat bookings as a major challenge facing employee motivation at Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club. In conclusion, employee motivation contributes to the financial performance of hotel businesses. The researcher recommends that Hill-Top Hotel and Country Club should hire more trained and motivated employees. by improving the work environment and having motivated employees who are familiar with assigned tasks, could increase employee performance and contribute to the finance performance. This would ensure that the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization are enhanced.

Correlations between Leadership Styles and SelfEsteem of Employees: A Case of Technical Colleges in Arusha City, Tanzania https://jriiejournal.com/correlations-between-leadership-styles-and-selfesteem-of-employees-a-case-of-technical-colleges-in-arusha-city-tanzania/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=correlations-between-leadership-styles-and-selfesteem-of-employees-a-case-of-technical-colleges-in-arusha-city-tanzania Fri, 26 Apr 2019 12:29:33 +0000 http://jriie.com/?p=350 Read More Read More

Baraka Manjale Ngussa University of Arusha, Tanzania ngussathe5th@gmail.com
Siriviana Mengo National Council for Technical Education, Arusha, Tanzania mengo@nacte.go.tz

ABSTRACT: This study investigated on correlations between leadership styles and employees‟ selfesteem among colleges in Arusha City. It employed Descriptive Correlational research design with a quantitative approach whereby a total of 125 respondents filled the questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test and Pearson product Moment Correlational Coefficient. The findings revealed that the overall level of employees‟ self-esteem was high. There was a significant positive correlation between transformational leadership style and employees‟ self-esteem. Moreover, the findings showed no significant relationship between self esteem and such leadership styles as autocratic, laissez faire and democratic. The study therefore, recommended that College Principals should use transformational leadership in their colleges in most situations in order to increase employees‟ self-esteem.
