Tag: Education

Assessment of Family Income on Pupil’s Education and Their Academic Performance in Primary School in Arusha City

Assessment of Family Income on Pupil’s Education and Their Academic Performance in Primary School in Arusha City

Zuhura Said Kemanae – Teacher, Unga Limited Primary SchoolDr. Christine Mnjokaya – St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.Email: zuhurakemanae2019@gmail.com/ cmnjokava@yahoo.com Abstract: The study assessed family income on pupil’s education and academic performance in primary school in Arusha City, Tanzania. The objectives of study were to: investigate the effects of family income on pupil’s education…

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Effects of Increased Student’s Enrolment on Quality Education in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha District

Effects of Increased Student’s Enrolment on Quality Education in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha District

Vitalis Martin Nada – Headmaster, Olturumet Secondary SchoolDr. Kennedy Omondi Otieno – St. Augustine University of Tanzania, Arusha.Email: vitalismnada@gmail.com/omondiken2016@gmail.com Abstract: Inadequate resources in schools as a result of over enrolment since the inception of the free education policy in Tanzania in November 2015 have compromised the quality of education in public secondary schools. The study…

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Students’ Absenteeism and Its Influence on the Education of Pastoralist Communities in Public Secondary Schools in Longido District, Tanzania

Students’ Absenteeism and Its Influence on the Education of Pastoralist Communities in Public Secondary Schools in Longido District, Tanzania

Noel John Mbaruku – District Administrative Officer, NgorongoroDr. Kennedy Omondi Otieno – St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) ArushaEmail: mbarukunoel4@gmail.com/omondiken2016@gmail.com Abstract: The study purposed to investigate the students’ absenteeism and its influence on education of pastoralists’ communities in public secondary schools in Longido District. The objectives of the study were to; determine the cultural factors…

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Effects of Competency – Based Curriculum on Students’ Education Achievement: A Study of Secondary Schools in Arusha City Council, Tanzania

Effects of Competency – Based Curriculum on Students’ Education Achievement: A Study of Secondary Schools in Arusha City Council, Tanzania

Tertula Theobald Kimario Dr. Kennedy Omondi OtienoSt. Augustine University of Tanzania, ArushaEmail: sndteresa@gmail.com Abstract: This study assessed the Effects of Competency – Based Curriculum (CBC) on Students’ Education Achievement in Secondary Schools in Arusha City Council, Tanzania. The objectives were to: assess the implementation of CBC in secondary schools and examine the extent to which…

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The Impact of Malaria on Primary Education in Rwanda, a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: A Case Study of Primary Schools in Kicukiro District

The Impact of Malaria on Primary Education in Rwanda, a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: A Case Study of Primary Schools in Kicukiro District

Joie Lea Murorunkwere Dr. Sylvestre Mbanza University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies, RwandaCorresponding Author Email: isimbilea@gmail.com Abstract: Malaria parasite in primary school is gradually recognized as a pertinent public health problem, but the data on the actual occurrence and health consequences are insufficient. Research indicates that children who suffer from ill-health are less likely…

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Assessment on the Implementation of Environmental Education in Secondary Schools in Arusha City

Assessment on the Implementation of Environmental Education in Secondary Schools in Arusha City

Onesmo B. MinjaUniversity of ArushaEmail: minjaone3@gmail.com Abstract: This study investigated the assessment and implementation of Environmental Education in secondary schools in Arusha City. The study examined how environmental education is taught in secondary schools, activities regardingenvironmental education in school and challenges facing the implementation of Environmental Education in Arusha secondary Schools. The study used 110…

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School Factors Contributing to Low ZIMSEC Pass Rate: A Case of Tapiwa Primary School, Gweru District in Zimbabwe

School Factors Contributing to Low ZIMSEC Pass Rate: A Case of Tapiwa Primary School, Gweru District in Zimbabwe

Dr. Gambiza CathrineAtlantic International University, Honululu, Hawaiigambiza0@gmail.com Abstract: The research focused on school factors that contribute to low ZIMSEC performance at Tapiwa Primary School Gweru District in the Midlands Province, Zimbabwe. The study sample was composed of (10) participants (5 males and 5 females) it used a Thematic case study research design with a qualitative…

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The Implications of Socio-Cultural Values on Educational Equity: The Case of Public Secondary Schools in Tanzania

The Implications of Socio-Cultural Values on Educational Equity: The Case of Public Secondary Schools in Tanzania

Dr. Milka V. OtienoSt. John’s University of Tanzania.Email: omilka@sjut.ac.tz Abstract: This paper examines the socio-cultural values and their implication for educational policy implementation with an aim to address issues in educational equity and consequently social justice. A review of various gender equity research papers, Tanzania’s education policies and the discussion on social justice perspective are…

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Implementation of the Primary School Curriculum to Enhance Education for Life in Iganga District

Implementation of the Primary School Curriculum to Enhance Education for Life in Iganga District

*Sylvanus Twinomugisha Rwobusiisi – Kyambogo University, Uganda, Dr. Waiswa Mark Micheal – Kyambogo University, Uganda & Isiko Muhammed – University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya *Corresponding author: stwinomugisharwobusiisi@gmail.com Received May 14, 2020; Revised March 9, 2021; Accepted March 10, 2021 Abstract: The study investigated how teachers of primary schools implement the curriculum to enhance education for…

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COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Kenyan Education Sector: Learner Challenges and Mitigations

COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Kenyan Education Sector: Learner Challenges and Mitigations

Dr. Areba George NgwachoKisii University, KenyaEmail: narebag@gmail.com Received March 29, 2020; Reviewed June 24; Accepted June 25, 2020 Abstract: Globally, and Kenya in particular, economic growth has been and will be negatively impacted by COVID-19 shocks with direct consequences to the poor, vulnerable and marginalized households who rely on informal employment and businesses to fend…

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