Tag: Economic

The Social- Economic Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic on Parents’ Income and Pupils Learning in Iganga District, Uganda

The Social- Economic Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic on Parents’ Income and Pupils Learning in Iganga District, Uganda

Basome Samson – Faith Discipleship Ministries International (FAMI), UgandaPetronila Mwangi – University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, KenyaEmail: basomesamson@gmail.com Abstract: Globally, COVID-19 outbreak had a significant impact on the social-economic implications of parents’ income and students’ learning. Many school employees lost jobs and students dropped out of school in Uganda as a result of the varied…

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Techniques Used by Women Members of Village Community Banks towards Attaining Their Economic Wellbeing in Dodoma City, Tanzania

Techniques Used by Women Members of Village Community Banks towards Attaining Their Economic Wellbeing in Dodoma City, Tanzania

Timothy Erasto ChimeledyaSt John’s University of Tanzania, Dodoma, TanzaniaEmail: tchimmy1032@yahoo.co.uk Abstract: The study was conducted in three Wards that included Makulu, Nghong’ona and Kikuyu North, in Dodoma City, Tanzania. The study aimed at identifying the techniques used by women members of Village Community Banks in the whole process of attaining their economic wellbeing in Dodoma…

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Economic Factors Influencing Church Hopping from the Roman Catholic Church to Pentecostal Churches: A Case of Karuri Parish, Nairobi Archdiocese, Kenya

Economic Factors Influencing Church Hopping from the Roman Catholic Church to Pentecostal Churches: A Case of Karuri Parish, Nairobi Archdiocese, Kenya

Jane Ng’ang’a, Bibiana Ngundo & Maurice OwinyoThe Catholic University of Eastern AfricaCorresponding Author: jnganga1165@gmail.com Abstract: The movement from the Roman Catholic Church to the mushrooming Pentecostal churches is a great Phenomenon globally and in Africa. The gist of the study was to explore factors influencing this movement. The study explored economic concerns contributing to Church…

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