drought – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education https://jriiejournal.com Fri, 10 Jul 2020 17:35:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://jriiejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/cropped-JRIIE-LOGO-1-32x32.jpg drought – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education https://jriiejournal.com 32 32 194867206 Contribution of Run-off Water Harvesting to Food Production in Kyannamukaaka Sub County, Uganda https://jriiejournal.com/contribution-of-run-off-water-harvesting-to-food-production-in-kyannamukaaka-sub-county-uganda/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=contribution-of-run-off-water-harvesting-to-food-production-in-kyannamukaaka-sub-county-uganda Fri, 10 Jul 2020 07:23:58 +0000 http://jriie.com/?p=934 Read More Read More

Henry Stanley Mbowa – Kampala University, Uganda,
William Mudahemuka – University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies, Rwanda,
Prof. Kaaya Siraje – Kabale University, Uganda & Dr. Asiimwe Specioza – Kampala International University
Email: mbowa200@gmail.com

Received June 19, 2020; Revised July 5, 2020; Accepted July 9, 2020

Abstract: Surface run-offs continue to flow away from crop fields into wetlands, rivers and lakes. The paper examines the contribution of run-off water harvesting to food production including; identifying the techniques farmers use to harvest run-offs, assessing the benefits of harvested run-offs to farmers and investigating the limitations to harvest and use of run-offs by farmers in Kyannamukaaka Sub-County, Uganda. The paper employs a cross-sectional survey design, targeting 130 people from whom 98 respondents were selected. Data was collected through questionnaires, interviews and observations, and analyzed using SPSS. Results indicate tarpaulin (94.9%), contours (99%), mulching (96.9%) and
in-field water harvesting (92.9%) as run-off harvesting techniques. Provision of water for irrigation (96.9%) and domestic animals (99%), increased food production (100%) and animal productivity (91.8%), and incomes (87.9%) are the benefits of run-offs. Finally, inadequate incomes (94.9%) and experts in sewing (94.9%), increased costs of input/material (90.8%), and inadequate government support (99%) were the limitations to run-off harvesting. The paper concludes that, farmers must harvest run-offs for sustainable agricultural production. The paper recommends that
Kyannamukaaka Sub County should create awareness, sensitization and build capacity of farmers in runoff water harvesting and sewing polythene-line technology, and government should support the farmers through subsidies on runoff water materials.

Assessing Poultry Firm Survival in Kampala: A Case of Biyinzika Enterprises Limited https://jriiejournal.com/assessing-poultry-firm-survival-in-kampala-a-case-of-biyinzika-enterprises-limited/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=assessing-poultry-firm-survival-in-kampala-a-case-of-biyinzika-enterprises-limited Thu, 21 Mar 2019 12:25:38 +0000 http://jriie.com/?p=309 Read More Read More

Henry Stanley Mbowa – Kampala University,Uganda & Prof. Dr. Kaaya Siraje – University of Technology and Arts of Byumba (UTAB), Rwanda
*Corresponding Author: mbowa200@yahoo.commailto: mbowa200@yahoo.com

Received January;Revised February;Accepted April 8, 2019Abstract: Several thousands of small, medium, and big businesses in developing countries have closed and concern for business survival has heightened to the point of anxiety/doubt and fear among investors and entrepreneurs. Therefore, the study assessed poultry firms’ survival and possible strategies for improvement, specifically, current survival, challenges facing Biyinzika Enterprises Limited (BEL) and possible strategies for improving its survivability. The study used a case study design with both qualitative andquantitative approaches of data collection. A sample of 44 respondents was determined purposively using Krejcie Morgan table from a population of 50 people from BEL. Data was analyzed through the SPSS to generate descriptive statistics from which interpretations were made. The results showed that the current performance of BEL was fair due to unreliable rainfall and drought, unstable and unreliable power supply, high costs of input and theft issues. The study recommended that BEL should establish and strengthen her internal controls over cash and other financial resources, introduce reward systems, use solar energy system and plant drought resistant crops varieties.

Received January;Revised February;Accepted April 8, 2019Abstract: Several thousands of small, medium, and big businesses in developing countries have closed and concern for business survival has heightened to the point of anxiety/doubt and fear among investors and entrepreneurs. Therefore, the study assessed poultry firms’ survival and possible strategies for improvement, specifically, current survival, challenges facing Biyinzika Enterprises Limited (BEL) and possible strategies for improving its survivability. The study used a case study design with both qualitative andquantitative approaches of data collection. A sample of 44 respondents was determined purposively using Krejcie Morgan table from a population of 50 people from BEL. Data was analyzed through the SPSS to generate descriptive statistics from which interpretations were made. The results showed that the current performance of BEL was fair due to unreliable rainfall and drought, unstable and unreliable power supply, high costs of input and theft issues. The study recommended that BEL should establish and strengthen her internal controls over cash and other financial resources, introduce reward systems, use solar energy system and plant drought resistant crops varieties.

Received January;Revised February;Accepted April 8, 2019Abstract: Several thousands of small, medium, and big businesses in developing countries have closed and concern for business survival has heightened to the point of anxiety/doubt and fear among investors and entrepreneurs. Therefore, the study assessed poultry firms’ survival and possible strategies for improvement, specifically, current survival, challenges facing Biyinzika Enterprises Limited (BEL) and possible strategies for improving its survivability. The study used a case study design with both qualitative andquantitative approaches of data collection. A sample of 44 respondents was determined purposively using Krejcie Morgan table from a population of 50 people from BEL. Data was analyzed through the SPSS to generate descriptive statistics from which interpretations were made. The results showed that the current performance of BEL was fair due to unreliable rainfall and drought, unstable and unreliable power supply, high costs of input and theft issues. The study recommended that BEL should establish and strengthen her internal controls over cash and other financial resources, introduce reward systems, use solar energy system and plant drought resistant crops varieties.
