Tag: Discipline

Teachers’ Views on Tanzania Corporal Punishment Legal Policy in Schools: Level and Manner of Implementation

Teachers’ Views on Tanzania Corporal Punishment Legal Policy in Schools: Level and Manner of Implementation

Elkana S. NtebiInstitute of Adult Education, TanzaniaEmail: entebi@iae.ac.tz Abstract: Globally, countries are working out to abolish the use of corporal punishment in schools. With no exclusion, Tanzania has been making different efforts to attain full eradication of corporal punishment (CP) in schools, including introducing the policy on how to administer corporal punishment in schools. Despite…

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Contribution of Hidden Curriculum on Students’ Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Kigoma District

Contribution of Hidden Curriculum on Students’ Discipline in Public Secondary Schools in Kigoma District

Dr. Kennedy Omondi OtienoCoordinator Postgraduate Studies Research & PublicationsSt. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.P.O Box 12385 – Arusha, Tanzania.Email: omondiken2016@gmail.com Doto DanielTeacher, Mwandiga Secondary SchoolP.O Box 389 – Kigoma.Email: dotodaniel11@gmail.com Abstract: This study investigated the contribution of Hidden Curriculum (HC)on students’ discipline in public secondary schools in Kigoma District, Tanzania. Objectives were to; determine…

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Roles of Parents in Students’ Discipline Management at Community Day Secondary Schools in Misungwi District, Mwanza Region-Tanzania

Roles of Parents in Students’ Discipline Management at Community Day Secondary Schools in Misungwi District, Mwanza Region-Tanzania

Dorothea Mabula & Dr.Nestory LigembeSt. Augustine University of TanzaniaP. O. BOX 307, MwanzaEmail: dorotheamabula76@gmail.com Abstract: Parents are key component in dealing with students’ discipline. Once parents get encompassed in student’s matters, students tend to have positive effects on their development, including discipline issues. However, their involvement is still low, which results into the increase of…

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Role of Christian Religious Education in the Moral Values Formation of Secondary School Students in Teso South Sub – County,Busia County, Kenya

Role of Christian Religious Education in the Moral Values Formation of Secondary School Students in Teso South Sub – County,Busia County, Kenya

Hezekiah Adwar Othoo – Department of Education Psychology, Management and Policy StudiesAlupe University College, KenyaOkemer Geoffrey Aseu – School of Education and Social Science, Alupe University College, Kenya Abstract: The morals of the secondary school former students in colleges and in society do not reveal the acquisition and practice of values learnt through Christian Religious…

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Challenges Facing Teachers in Enhancing Discipline among Secondary School Students in Arusha City, Tanzania

Challenges Facing Teachers in Enhancing Discipline among Secondary School Students in Arusha City, Tanzania

Loishiye Lengaram Saiteu – Assistant Lecturer, Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA)Dr. Kennedy Omondi Otieno – St. Augustine University of Tanzania, ArushaEmail: loishiyesaiteu@gmail.com/ omondiken2016@gmail.com Abstract: In the recent past, students have participated in the destruction of school properties such as burning of dormitories, to a level that is completely unprecedented. This has necessitated the need for…

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Tanzania Education Policy on Discipline Management in Schools: Way Forward on Effective Implementation

Tanzania Education Policy on Discipline Management in Schools: Way Forward on Effective Implementation

Elkana Ntebi – St John’s University of Tanzania, Dodoma & Prof. Emmanuel D. Mbennah – Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania, Harare, Zimbabwe*Corresponding Author: juniorntebi@gmail.com Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore strategies that could be used in the implementation of the Tanzania Education Policy on Discipline Management in Tanzania schools. In…

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The Role of Christian Religious Education on Secondary School Student Discipline in Lake Zone, Tanzania

The Role of Christian Religious Education on Secondary School Student Discipline in Lake Zone, Tanzania

Baraka Manjale Ngussa, PhD* Senior Lecturer of Curriculum and Teaching, University of Arusha, Tanzania, Prof. Lazarus Ndiku Makewa, PhD – Professor of Educational Communication and Technology, Lukenya University, Kenya. *Corresponding author: ngussathe5th@gmail.com Received March 5, 2018; Revised March 15, 2018; Accepted March 18, 2018 Abstract: This study was propelled by the fact that rampant moral…

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