Tag: Dialogue

An Investigation of Interreligious Dialogue as Path for the Promotion of Peace in the Society According to the Writings of John Paul II

An Investigation of Interreligious Dialogue as Path for the Promotion of Peace in the Society According to the Writings of John Paul II

Nobert Yarshikeh & Dr. Newton KahumbiTanganza University College, KenyaEmail: nobertyarshikeh@gmail.com Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate interreligious dialogue as a path for the promotion of peace in the society as asserted by John Paul II in the World Conference on Religion and Peace. Rising incidents of political, social, and ecologic problems is…

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Dialogue as a Means of Conflict Resolution among Pastoralist Communities of Kapedo Location, Kenya

Dialogue as a Means of Conflict Resolution among Pastoralist Communities of Kapedo Location, Kenya

Cornel Omondi Oredo, Dr. Wilkister Shanyisa & Dr. Jonathan OmuchesiCatholic University of Eastern AfricaEmail: cornelomondi88@yahoo.com Abstract: This research sought to investigate how dialogue can be effectively used as a means to conflict resolution among pastoral communities in Kenya. The study was done in Kapedo location, Turkana County. It was set to investigate the effectiveness of…

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