Tag: Determinants

Determinants of Assessment Method used by Teachers in Assessing Learners in Public Early Childhood Development and Education Centers in Kenya

Determinants of Assessment Method used by Teachers in Assessing Learners in Public Early Childhood Development and Education Centers in Kenya

Dr. Esther Chepkorir BitokKisii University, KenyaEmail: estherbitok@kisiiuniversity.ac.ke/estherbitok2006@gmail.com Received July 5, 2020; Revised July 16, 2020; Accepted July 17, 2020 Abstract: The absence of credible assessment approaches of learning outcomes in public early childhood education is one of the major problems affecting the performance of children at early stages of education. The objective of the study…

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Influence of Parental Determinants on Academic Performance of Pre-School Learners in Nyamache Sub-County, Kenya

Influence of Parental Determinants on Academic Performance of Pre-School Learners in Nyamache Sub-County, Kenya

Jacklyne Moraa Nyambego, Prof. Herman Kiriama & Dr. Nelliah Omboga – Kisii University, KenyaEmail: jacklynenyambego2014@gmail.com Received August 16, 2019; Reviewed March 17,2020; Accepted April 5, 2020 Abstract: Parental determinants on academic achievement of learners at any level cannot be overemphasized. The major challenge in Kenya is that early childhood development education is left in the…

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