Tag: Covid-19 Pandemic

The Social- Economic Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic on Parents’ Income and Pupils Learning in Iganga District, Uganda

The Social- Economic Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic on Parents’ Income and Pupils Learning in Iganga District, Uganda

Basome Samson – Faith Discipleship Ministries International (FAMI), UgandaPetronila Mwangi – University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, KenyaEmail: basomesamson@gmail.com Abstract: Globally, COVID-19 outbreak had a significant impact on the social-economic implications of parents’ income and students’ learning. Many school employees lost jobs and students dropped out of school in Uganda as a result of the varied…

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Modern Statistical Methods for Infectious Diseases to Analyse Covid-19 Pandemic Data in Rwanda

Modern Statistical Methods for Infectious Diseases to Analyse Covid-19 Pandemic Data in Rwanda

Joie Lea Murorunkwere & Sylvestre MbanzaThe University of Tourism Technology and Business Studies, RwandaEmail: isimbilea@gmail.com Abstract: The corona-virus ailment 2019(COVID-19) took tens of millions of lives and disrupted dwelling requirements at individual, societal, and international levels, causing penalties globally. Understanding its epidemic curve and Spatio-temporal dynamics is indispensable for the development of tremendous public fitness…

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Supporting Teachers in the Use of Online and Offline Strategies for Continuity of Learning during Pandemics: A Case Study of Secondary Schools in Uganda

Supporting Teachers in the Use of Online and Offline Strategies for Continuity of Learning during Pandemics: A Case Study of Secondary Schools in Uganda

Veronica Namulondo, Rovincer Najjuma, Gillian Kasirye & Michael WalimbwaMakerere University, UgandaEmail: namulondoveronica15@gmail.com/ rovincern@gmail.com Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the continuity of learning for millions of students worldwide, with secondary schools in Uganda being significantly affected. To address this crisis, schools rapidly adopted remote teaching and learning methods using online and offline strategies. Efforts were made…

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Exploring the Didactics of Learning in Technology-Rich Environments for Teacher Educators amidst Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda

Exploring the Didactics of Learning in Technology-Rich Environments for Teacher Educators amidst Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda

Wycliff Edwin Tusiime – Kyambogo University, UgandaMoses Wambi – National Teachers’ College, UgandaEmail: wycliffdux@gmail.com; moswambi@yahoo.com Abstract: This study was conducted on Teacher Educators in National Teachers’ Colleges found in the Northern (West-Nile) and South-Eastern Uganda. It focused on didactical questions to help teacher educators explore what it is that creates technology-rich environments to trainees. It…

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