Tag: Corporal punishment

Teachers’ Views on Tanzania Corporal Punishment Legal Policy in Schools: Level and Manner of Implementation

Teachers’ Views on Tanzania Corporal Punishment Legal Policy in Schools: Level and Manner of Implementation

Elkana S. NtebiInstitute of Adult Education, TanzaniaEmail: entebi@iae.ac.tz Abstract: Globally, countries are working out to abolish the use of corporal punishment in schools. With no exclusion, Tanzania has been making different efforts to attain full eradication of corporal punishment (CP) in schools, including introducing the policy on how to administer corporal punishment in schools. Despite…

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The Role of Media in Reducing the Use of Corporal Punishment in Dodoma Schools in Tanzania

The Role of Media in Reducing the Use of Corporal Punishment in Dodoma Schools in Tanzania

Epiphan Frances Mwashiuya & Zawadi Richard JumaSt John’s University of TanzaniaEmail: epiphanf3@gmail.com Abstract: Corporal punishment in schools has become one of escalating problematic global human rights issues. Nevertheless, the number of studies worldwide media had been reported to reduce corporal punishment in schools. However, in Tanzania, especially in Dodoma City, the contribution of media in…

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Teachers’ Understanding of Corporal Punishment Legal Policy in Tanzanian Schools

Teachers’ Understanding of Corporal Punishment Legal Policy in Tanzanian Schools

Elkana S Ntebi – St John’s University of Tanzania, DodomaProf. Emmanuel D. Mbennah – Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania, Harare, ZimbabweCorresponding Author: juniorntebi@gmail.com Abstract: For a long time now, primary schools in Tanzania have been struggling to attain full implementation of the corporal punishment legal policy. Among others, the implementation seems to be…

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Tanzania Education Policy on Discipline Management in Schools: Way Forward on Effective Implementation

Tanzania Education Policy on Discipline Management in Schools: Way Forward on Effective Implementation

Elkana Ntebi – St John’s University of Tanzania, Dodoma & Prof. Emmanuel D. Mbennah – Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania, Harare, Zimbabwe*Corresponding Author: juniorntebi@gmail.com Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore strategies that could be used in the implementation of the Tanzania Education Policy on Discipline Management in Tanzania schools. In…

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