Tag: Content

Practices in Parental Involvement in Type 1-6 of Epstein Typologies Significantly Predicting the Level of Parental Education Knowledge Base in Mathematics Curriculum Content

Practices in Parental Involvement in Type 1-6 of Epstein Typologies Significantly Predicting the Level of Parental Education Knowledge Base in Mathematics Curriculum Content

Dorcas Mukami GitongaUniversity of Eastern Africa, Baraton, KenyaEmail: Mukamigitonga1@gmail.com Abstract: This descriptive-correlational study examined whether the level of parental involvement in type 1-6 of Epstein typologies influenced the level of parents’ education knowledge base in Mathematics curriculum content. Data was collected from selected Seventh – day Adventist primary schools in Central Kenya Conference. Questionnaires were…

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Content and Language Integrated Learning at Advanced Level in the Humanities Departments: A Case Study of Three High Schools in Shurugwi District, Midlands Province in Zimbabwe

Content and Language Integrated Learning at Advanced Level in the Humanities Departments: A Case Study of Three High Schools in Shurugwi District, Midlands Province in Zimbabwe

Erick Nyoni & Munashe MakaraMidlands State Universit\yEmail: nyonie@staff.msu.ac.zw Abstract: Integrating content and language in learning different subjects helps English as a Second Language Learners (ESL) develop Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) that empowers learners to cognitively engage in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Integrating content and language also develops the necessary literacies for learners to…

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