Tag: conflict

Conflict Resolution Mechanisms and Their Influence on Quality Education in Private Secondary Schools in Arusha District Council

Conflict Resolution Mechanisms and Their Influence on Quality Education in Private Secondary Schools in Arusha District Council

Mlay GloryTeacher in charge of Quality Assurance, Lengijave Secondary SchoolP.O Box 4063 – Arusha District Council.Email: mlayglory578@gmail.com Kennedy Omondi OtienoCoordinator Postgraduate Studies Research & PublicationsSt. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), Arusha.P.O Box 12385 – Arusha, Tanzania.Email: omondiken2016@gmail.com Abstract: The study examined the conflict resolution mechanism and its influence on quality education in private secondary schools…

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Dialogue as a Means of Conflict Resolution among Pastoralist Communities of Kapedo Location, Kenya

Dialogue as a Means of Conflict Resolution among Pastoralist Communities of Kapedo Location, Kenya

Cornel Omondi Oredo, Dr. Wilkister Shanyisa & Dr. Jonathan OmuchesiCatholic University of Eastern AfricaEmail: cornelomondi88@yahoo.com Abstract: This research sought to investigate how dialogue can be effectively used as a means to conflict resolution among pastoral communities in Kenya. The study was done in Kapedo location, Turkana County. It was set to investigate the effectiveness of…

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Cattle Rustling and Economic Sustainability in El-Barta Ward in Samburu County, Kenya

Cattle Rustling and Economic Sustainability in El-Barta Ward in Samburu County, Kenya

Lokidongoi Ingolan Paul, Dr. Peter Mbaro & James Ibrahim ManyaraCatholic University of Eastern Africa, KenyaCorresponding Author: lokidongoiingo@yahoo.com Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of cattle rustling on economic sustainability of Samburu Community a case study of El-barta Ward, Samburu County, Kenya. Mixed research design of descriptive-survey and explanatory research design…

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Effectiveness of Negotiation in Resolving Family Conflict: Case of Kajiado North Sub-County, Kenya

Effectiveness of Negotiation in Resolving Family Conflict: Case of Kajiado North Sub-County, Kenya

Mary Watetu Ndung’u, Dr. Peter Mbaro, Dr. Joseph OkumuCatholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi, KenyaCorresponding Author: watetumari8@gmail.com Abstract: This study investigated the effectiveness of negotiation as a means of addressing family conflict in Kajiado North Sub-County by looking at major causes of family conflict, role of negotiation in addressing family conflict and how to enhance…

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Family Support and the Development of Fish Farming in Busia County

Family Support and the Development of Fish Farming in Busia County

Mugah Michael Sitawa*, Dickson Ombaka, PhD and Parvin Moloo, PhD Department of Sociology, School of Arts and Humanities, Kenyatta University, Kenya. *Corresponding author: michael.sitawa@gmail.com Received September 20, 2018; Revised October 16, 2018; Accepted January 25, 2019 Abstract: Fish farming has and continues to play a vital role in improving nutrition and creating employment. The sociological…

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