Tag: Classroom

The Social- Economic Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic on Parents’ Income and Pupils Learning in Iganga District, Uganda

The Social- Economic Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic on Parents’ Income and Pupils Learning in Iganga District, Uganda

Basome Samson – Faith Discipleship Ministries International (FAMI), UgandaPetronila Mwangi – University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, KenyaEmail: basomesamson@gmail.com Abstract: Globally, COVID-19 outbreak had a significant impact on the social-economic implications of parents’ income and students’ learning. Many school employees lost jobs and students dropped out of school in Uganda as a result of the varied…

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Influence of Structured Classroom Debates on Proficiency of English Language among Pupils in Selected Public Primary Schools in Mayuge District, Uganda

Influence of Structured Classroom Debates on Proficiency of English Language among Pupils in Selected Public Primary Schools in Mayuge District, Uganda

Stella Amulen & Joseph MuyungaSchool of Graduate Studies, Kampala UniversityEmail: amulenstella4@gmail.com Abstract: The study sought to establish the influence of structured classroom debates on the proficiency of the English language among pupils in selected public primary schools in Mayuge District. A cross-sectional design was used to conduct a study about debate and proficiency in English.…

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Teachers’ Classroom Management Skills and its Contribution on Students’ Behaviour in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha City, Tanzania

Teachers’ Classroom Management Skills and its Contribution on Students’ Behaviour in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha City, Tanzania

Walter F. SamkyUnity Primary School, ArushaEmail: unityschools@hotmail.com Paul Raphael KitulaSt. Augustine University of Tanzania – ArushaEmail: kitula07@gmail.com Abstract: This study focused on the contribution of teachers’ classroom management skills on students’ behaviour in public secondary schools in Arusha city. The study assessed how teachers’ classroom management skills affect students’ behaviour and explored strategies for improving…

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Influence of Teachers Administrative Strategies on Bridging Gender Gap in KCSE Academic Performance in Mixed Boarding Secondary Schools in Nandi North Sub- County, Kenya

Influence of Teachers Administrative Strategies on Bridging Gender Gap in KCSE Academic Performance in Mixed Boarding Secondary Schools in Nandi North Sub- County, Kenya

Keter David Kiplagat, Dr. Kiprop David & Dr Kapkiai MosesKisii University, KenyaCorresponding Author: davidketer1960@yahoo.com Abstract: Despite all the measures taken to give education equal gender opportunities, there is so much gender inequality in education worldwide. Discrepancies in performance between males and females, school completion rates, and participation in job opportunities are much more prevalent in…

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An Assessment on the Role of the Teacher in Classroom Management: A Case of Arumeru District, Tanzania

An Assessment on the Role of the Teacher in Classroom Management: A Case of Arumeru District, Tanzania

Onesmo B. MinjaUniversity of Arusha, TanzaniaEmail: minjaone3@gmail.com Abstract: This study deals with assessing the role of the teacher in classroom management specifically in Arumeru district. The study aimed at examining the roles of the teacher on classroom management, finding out whether there are effects on Classroom Management, assessing characteristics of a well-managed Class and assessing…

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