Tag: Challenges

Challenges Facing Women Scaling to Political Leadership in Post-Colonial Kenya: A Case of Gusiiland, South Western Kenya, 1963-2013

Challenges Facing Women Scaling to Political Leadership in Post-Colonial Kenya: A Case of Gusiiland, South Western Kenya, 1963-2013

Dr. Zacharia O. Mokua & Dr. Evans Omosa NyamwakaKisii University, KenyaEmail: ondieki.zachary@yahoo.com Received December 14, 2020; Revised December 20; Accepted December 27, 2020 Abstract: In Gusiiland, women constitute a significant proportion of the electorates. However, since independence, no woman in Gusiiland has ever been voted to the National Parliament and the Senate despite their voting…

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Challenges and Benefits when Using Biology Practical Work in Gucha South Sub County, Kisii County, Kenya: Teachers’ Perspective

Challenges and Benefits when Using Biology Practical Work in Gucha South Sub County, Kisii County, Kenya: Teachers’ Perspective

Isaac Christopher Odawa Imanda,Doctoral StudentKisii University, Kenya.Email: imanda2020isaac@gmail.com Received December 7, 2020; Revised December 11, 2020; Accepted December 14, 2020 Abstract: Use of practical work greatly contributes to successful classroom pedagogy. Various challenges may however, hinder effective use of practical in biology instruction. Despite the challenges, there too are several benefits that accrue when biology…

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COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Kenyan Education Sector: Learner Challenges and Mitigations

COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Kenyan Education Sector: Learner Challenges and Mitigations

Dr. Areba George NgwachoKisii University, KenyaEmail: narebag@gmail.com Received March 29, 2020; Reviewed June 24; Accepted June 25, 2020 Abstract: Globally, and Kenya in particular, economic growth has been and will be negatively impacted by COVID-19 shocks with direct consequences to the poor, vulnerable and marginalized households who rely on informal employment and businesses to fend…

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Competence and Competency Based Learning Curriculum for Greening Sustainable Development in Kenya: Challenges and Panaceas

Competence and Competency Based Learning Curriculum for Greening Sustainable Development in Kenya: Challenges and Panaceas

Dr. Areba George Ngwacho Kisii University, Kenya narebag@yahoo.com Received March 31, 2019; Revised June 29, 2019; Accepted June 30, 2019 Abstract: The Kenyan government, just like other countries, because of the impact of globalization, it has continued to reform education sector to respond to more emerging issues towards sustainable development. It is on this premise…

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Challenges Facing Administrators in the use of ICT in Kuria District Secondary Schools in Kenya

Challenges Facing Administrators in the use of ICT in Kuria District Secondary Schools in Kenya

*Dr. Ezekiel Nyambega Omwenga & Dr. Jackson Meremo *Corresponding Author: omwengaezekiel@gmail.com Kisii University, Kenya Received December 16, 2018; Revised March 3, 2019; Accepted March 20, 2019 Abstract: This study was an investigation on the challenges facing administrators in the use of ICT in Kuria district secondary schools in Kenya. The major concern was to examine…

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Perception of Teachers on Challenges Facing the Use of English as Medium of Instruction in Tanzanian Secondary Schools: A Case of Karatu District, Tanzania

Perception of Teachers on Challenges Facing the Use of English as Medium of Instruction in Tanzanian Secondary Schools: A Case of Karatu District, Tanzania

Naisujaki Sephania Lyimo, PhD* Lecturer, Arusha Technical College, Tanzania and Sophia John Laiser, Lecturer, Tumaini University Makumira, Tanzania *Corresponding author: naiviebe@yahoo.com Received November 29, 2018; Revised December 12, 2018; Accepted December 16, 2018 Abstract: The paper discusses challenges of language of instruction on Students academic performance of Secondary Schools in Karatu District, Tanzania. The study…

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