Tag: Analysis

Influence of Situational Analysis Practices on Institutional Performance in Selected National Polytechnics in Kenya

Influence of Situational Analysis Practices on Institutional Performance in Selected National Polytechnics in Kenya

Elicanah Moenga Mosiori, Ruth Thinguri & Mary MugweMount Kenya UniversityEmail: emosiori@gmail.com Abstract: Globally, academicians, policy planners and experts in education identify the necessity for effective and well-organized management of education systems. The purpose of this article was to look at the influence of situational analysis practices on institutional performance in selected national polytechnics in Kenya.…

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An Analysis of Re-entry Policy Implementation on Teenage Pregnant Girls’ Learning Outcomes in Koloa Zone, Baringo County, Kenya

An Analysis of Re-entry Policy Implementation on Teenage Pregnant Girls’ Learning Outcomes in Koloa Zone, Baringo County, Kenya

Eunice Ncororo Matindi & Ruth ThinguriMount Kenya UniversityEmail: ncororoeun@gmail.com Abstract: Globally, there is a concern on teenage pregnancies among learners. The objective of this article was to analyze the re-entry policy implementation on teenage pregnant girls’ learning outcomes in public primary schools in Koloa Zone, Baringo, Kenya. The study was guided by two theories: Rationale…

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Rwanda’s Innovative Marketing Strategies and Influence on Tourism Development: Case of Northern Tourist Destinations in Rwanda

Rwanda’s Innovative Marketing Strategies and Influence on Tourism Development: Case of Northern Tourist Destinations in Rwanda

Kalulu Ronald, Dr. Kabera Callixte, Tushabe Emmy & Niyinderera Pascal – University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies, RwandaEmail: kaluluronald@gmail.com Received March 9, 2020; Reviewed April 11, 2020; Accepted April 17, 2020 Abstract: The study examined Rwanda’s innovative marketing strategies and its influence on tourism development. The study used a sample size of 123 respondents…

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