Tag: Advancement

Influence of Technological Advancement towards Quality Education in Higher Learning Institutions: A Case of Arusha City

Influence of Technological Advancement towards Quality Education in Higher Learning Institutions: A Case of Arusha City

Kennedy Omondi OtienoSt. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT), ArushaEmail: omondiken2016@gmail.com Abdul AyubuTeacher, Korona Secondary SchoolEmail: abdulayubu91@gmail.com Abstract: This study investigated the influence of technological advancement towards quality education in higher learning institutions (HLIs) in Arusha city. The study examined the technological advancement in HLIs and determined the application of technological advancement to quality education of…

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Teachers’ Perception on Advancement of Their Education: Implication on Societal Development Now and Beyond: A Case Study of Kithungo/Kitundu Ward

Teachers’ Perception on Advancement of Their Education: Implication on Societal Development Now and Beyond: A Case Study of Kithungo/Kitundu Ward

Josephine Mbithe Mutie (Corresponding Author) Teachers Service Commission, Kenya josephine.mbithe@yahoo.com Lazarus Ndiku Makewa Lukenya University ndikul@gmail.com ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine how teachers perceive the advancement of their education. The following aspects were considered: Value of education, challenges faced by teachers while advancing their education including and not limited to: Satisfaction…

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