Tag: Acquisition

Parental Role in Providing Learning Materials for Numeracy Acquisition among Pre-Primary II Learners in Suba Sub-County, Kenya

Parental Role in Providing Learning Materials for Numeracy Acquisition among Pre-Primary II Learners in Suba Sub-County, Kenya

Everlyne Okoth Mikidas, Esther Bitok & Justina SyonthiKisii University, KenyaEmail: everlynemikidas@gmail.com Abstract: Education is an important adventure in the progress of human life and there are numerous elements attached to its effective achievement, one being the availability and use of learning materials. This paper analyzes role of parents in providing learning materials for numeracy acquisition…

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Influence of Type and Availability of Play Materials on Acquisition of Mathematics Skills by Preschool learners in Baringo Central Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya

Influence of Type and Availability of Play Materials on Acquisition of Mathematics Skills by Preschool learners in Baringo Central Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya

Chepkonga Hellen, Dr. Areba N. George & Dr. Neliah Moige Kisii University E-Mail: narebag@gmail.com Received December 22, 2019; Revised March 26, 2020; Accepted March 28, 2020 Abstract: Research has linked the use of play to equipping learners with mathematics skills; yet early grade performance in mathematics remains low. The purpose of this study was to…

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