Access to education. – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education Wed, 04 May 2022 04:49:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Access to education. – Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education 32 32 194867206 Challenges and Prospects Emanating from Catalyzing Change for Inclusion and Access to Higher Education Institutions in Kenya during Covid-19 Wed, 04 May 2022 04:46:04 +0000 Read More Read More

Ezekiel Nyambega Omwenga
Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Media.
Kisii University

Abstract: Higher Education institutions are considered the epitome of Knowledge where solutions for the Country’s problems are generated and where inventions, innovations and new ideas are gotten through research. With the coming of covid-19, it is evident that there is a surge of uncertainties pervading all areas of higher learning institutions. This touches on modes of learning, unpredictable financial conditions, student welfare and challenged enrollment. This literature review aimed to find out challenges catalyzing inclusion and access to education in Higher education institutions in Kenya. It further focused on suggested remedies in line with catalyzing change for inclusion and access to higher education during the Covid-19 era. After applying the concept map to the data from the selected studies, five challenges associated with influencing inclusion and access to higher education were identified: Technology, student/learner, Instructor, Financial and Curriculum design. The study revealed that higher institutions are shifting to remote access (virtual platforms), are more inclusive and more accessible to more student population despite being challenged with limitation of resources, uncertainty in enrollment, issues of advising and counseling students, inexperience of staff on the use of learning management systems and unpredictable financial conditions.The study offers suggestions on making education more inclusive and accessible in terms of recognition of interdependence of institutions in public space, awareness of complexity of teachers’ work and community lead learning, digital connectivity and online platform, access to information, affordable internet, reliable connectivity and other ways of protecting the School social space as education is transformed.
