Tag: Access

Effects of Availability and Access to Safe Drinking Water on Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Muhoroni Sub-County, Kenya

Effects of Availability and Access to Safe Drinking Water on Students’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Muhoroni Sub-County, Kenya

Sang Ednah Jepkoech, Aming’a Robert & Emoit OmuseSchool of Education, University of EldoretEmail: ketteredna@gmail.com Abstract: Access to improved sanitation is an important component of human health and wellbeing. Minimum requirements for safe WASH in schools are not provided in most rural schools in Kenya. The current paper investigated the effects of availability and access to…

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Extent to Which Professional Qualifications of Women Have Influenced Girl Child Access to Education in Public Primary Schools in Moyale Sub County

Extent to Which Professional Qualifications of Women Have Influenced Girl Child Access to Education in Public Primary Schools in Moyale Sub County

Boru Dulacha Guyo and Dr. Josephine KirimiMount Kenya University, Kenya.Email: boruguyo558@gmail.com Abstract: Despite attempts by the government to address gender equality in all sectors, women and girl child retention and access to formal education is still a concern in Kenya and in Africa as a whole. The study sought to achieve the objective; to establish…

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Do Women-owned Social Enterprises Have Equal Access to Financial Resources? Experiences from Nyamira County, Kenya

Do Women-owned Social Enterprises Have Equal Access to Financial Resources? Experiences from Nyamira County, Kenya

Anne Chepkurui, Peter Gutwa Oino & George Ezekiel AberiSchool of Arts and Social SciencesDepartment of Sociology, Gender an d Development StudiesKisii University, Kenya.Email: annechepkurui2@gmail.com Abstract: Over the years, women-owned social enterprises have had both positive and negative outcomes. Guided by social entrepreneurship theoretical foundations, this paper examines how financial access and utilization by women-owned social…

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Impact of Students’ Involvement in Co-Curricular Activities on Academic Performance in Gem Sub County, Siaya County, Kenya

Impact of Students’ Involvement in Co-Curricular Activities on Academic Performance in Gem Sub County, Siaya County, Kenya

Hezekiah Adwar Othoo – Department of Education Psychology, Management and Policy StudiesAlupe University College, Kenya Kevin Omondi – School of Education and Social Sciences, Alupe University College, Kenya Abstract: After COVID 19 pandemic, the government of Kenya, under the ministry of education, enforced regulations which changed the school calendar and restricted co-curricular activities. The purpose…

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