Student’s Attitudes and Perceptions toward Learning Physics in Arusha City Secondary Schools, Tanzania

Student’s Attitudes and Perceptions toward Learning Physics in Arusha City Secondary Schools, Tanzania

Abraham Daniel Mollel – University of Rwanda- College of Education, Africa Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science, Kayonza, Rwanda
Dr. Evareste Minani – Department of Mathematics, Science and Physical Education, University of Rwanda- College of Education, Kayonza,Rwanda
Beni Mbwile – University of Rwanda- College of Education, Africa Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science, Kayonza, Rwanda
Wakumire Robert – University of Rwanda- College of Education, Africa Centre of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science, Kayonza, Rwanda

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Abstract: The study’s goal was to look into students’ attitudes and perceptions of learning physics. Quantitative method and descriptive research design were used in the study. The study used a longitudinal survey trend, a questionnaire, and an interview with 120 sampled students from five secondary schools in Arusha City to collect data. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to examine the respondent’s information, and the interview was thematically analyzed.
According to the study’s findings, only a small number of students choose to major in physics. The study also discovered that students have a negative attitude and perception toward learning physics, which deactivates and affects their performance. The study does, however, recommend that teachers should use a variety of methods to clear students’ alternative conceptions that are reducing their interest in learning physics. In addition, the government should improve human and material resources to allow students to learn more easily and enjoyably.

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