Role of Sacred Drama in the Spiritual Transformation among Youth of the Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos, Nigeria
Henry Iorfa Ugese, Dr. Florence Kabala & Dr. Daniel M. Kitonga
Institute Of Spirituality and Religious Formation, Tangaza University College
The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
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Abstract: In the context of prevalent pentecostalism, secularism and the new age culture there has been a shift on the role of sacred arts and religion which was popular during the early years of evangelization in Africa. This is partly due to inadequate awareness on the real meaning of sacred arts with its accompanying responsibilities. This study investigated whether sacred arts can be means for spiritual transformation among Catholic youth in the Catholic archdiocese of Lagos, Nigeria. This study used a stratified random sampling technique for the quantitative strand and purposive sampling technique for the qualitative strand to select respondents for the study. A sample of 130 respondents participated in the study which was determined using Nassiuma’s formula. Quantitative data were collected using questionnaires. This study adopted the convergent parallel mixed-method research design by combining correlational and phenomenological research design. The study revealed a moderately positive relationship between Sacred drama and spiritual transformation (r = .692, p< .01). This reveals that an increase in appreciation of sacred drama would lead to a higher spiritual transformation among the youth of the Catholic archdiocese of Lagos, Nigeria. The study recommends that youth, youth animators and the magisterium should collaborate to initiate strategies and policies to improve sacred drama appreciation, patronage, technology integration, acting capabilities among youth of the catholic archdiocese of Lagos, Nigeria, in an attempt to boost their spiritual transformation.