Reasons for the Acholi Practices of Syncretism against the Christian Norms in Northern Uganda

Reasons for the Acholi Practices of Syncretism against the Christian Norms in Northern Uganda

Charles Okidi
NLA University College, Norway
Currently at Bishop Stuard University Mbarara, Uganda

Abstract: Syncretistic practice is mixing of two or more religions that observe different traditions and beliefs that existed before time in memorial, in the ancient religion and the modern time. When Christianity came into Uganda the Acholi were encouraged to leave their traditional worship and take the monotheist worship of the Christian God. The Acholi Christian converts responded positively to the call and the demand of the missionaries. After 130 years of practicing Christianity some Acholi Christians went against the principle of observing one religion instead, they got involved in syncretism. The study investigated the reasons for the Acholi practice of syncretism against the Christian norms. The study was conducted qualitatively and by use of interviews, focus group discussions and participants observation for data collection. This case study and the data gathered were analyzed qualitatively to ensure its validity and reliability. The study revealed that the practice of syncretism among the Acholi is as a result of dominancy of Acholi traditional religion; the method of how Christianity was introduced among the Acholi did not make them understand the basic concepts and principles to adhere to Christian doctrines. Thus, some of them practice syncretism ignorantly as means to find meaning and purpose of life alongside Christianity. To some extent the church has been blamed for the practice of syncretism by some Acholi Christians because they have not taken the positive role of discipleship and transforming the nature of Christian worship that respond to the needs of the community. This made some of the Acholi Christians find an alternative services from their traditional religion beside Christianity.

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