Quality Management Strategies and Economic Performance of Livestock Projects: A Case of Partnership for Resilient and Inclusive Small Stock Market Project in Rulindo District, Rwanda

Quality Management Strategies and Economic Performance of Livestock Projects: A Case of Partnership for Resilient and Inclusive Small Stock Market Project in Rulindo District, Rwanda

Jean Baptiste Hagumineza & Amolo Elvis
University of Kigali
Email: nezatiste@gmail.com

Abstract: Livestock plays a crucial role in rural communities’ global social and economic development by ensuring access to food, generating revenue, and creating employment opportunities. Despite the significant contribution of the livestock projects in Rwanda, there is a lack of studies focusing on effect of quality management strategies on economic performance of livestock projects. The general objective of this study was to assess the influence of quality management strategies on economic performance of livestock projects in Rulindo District, Rwanda. The study used descriptive and correlational research designs. The target population of this study was 344 participants including 107 Partnership for Resilient and Inclusive Small Stock Market (PRISM) staff, 24 PRISM stakeholders in local government and 213 beneficiary representatives at cell level in Rulindo District, but only a sample size of 185 respondents were included in the study. This study used stratified sampling. Primary data was collected through structured questionnaire and an interview guide. The study concluded that there is significant influence of quality management strategies on economic performance of livestock projects in Rulindo District, Rwanda. The study recommends that the Government should invest in enhancing breeding programs by providing access to superior breeding stock and modern breeding techniques.

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