Project Management Practices and Performance of Pig Value Chain Projects: A Case of Duhamic Adri in Gakenke District, Rwanda

Project Management Practices and Performance of Pig Value Chain Projects: A Case of Duhamic Adri in Gakenke District, Rwanda

Tuyambaze Emmanuel & Dushimimana Jean De Dieu
University of Kigali

Abstract: The general objective of the research is to find out the effect of project management practices on performance of pig value chain projects in Gakenke District, Rwanda. The population of this study was 315 people including pig values chain project staff, Duhamic Adri staff and women beneficiaries’ representatives in Gakenke District. The study used simple random sampling method to select 176 using Slovin’s formula. The researcher relied on document analysis, questionnaires, and interviews to collect data. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 25 used in the study as tools of data analysis. The correlation coefficient (R) is 0.796, indicating a strong positive relationship between these predictors and project performance. The R Square value of 0.634 indicates that approximately 63.4% of the variance in project performance can be explained by the independent variables included in the model. This high percentage shows that the selected factors are significantly relevant in influencing the performance of pig value chain projects in Gakenke District. P<0.05 for all independent variables show a statistically significant effect with project performance. Gakenke District should implement regular workshops for stakeholders to enhance the thoroughness of needs assessments for future projects, ensuring that all community needs are documented and prioritized.

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