Mwanamke Katika Bembelezi za Watikuu

Mwanamke Katika Bembelezi za Watikuu

Dr. Lina Akaka – *Chuo Kikuu cha CUEA;
Barua pepe:; Simu: 0710597991. ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4376-5794

Dr. Sheila Wandera- Simwa – Chuo Kikuu cha Laikipia;
Barua pepe:; Simu.:0722366005. ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5880-3493

Abstract: A culture of a people is embedded in their folklore and expressed through it. It also gives us a glimpse into their worldview and the way they interact, their beliefs and values. Lullabies are cultural songs sang worldover to soothe and lull crying children to sleep (Gunes na Gunes, 2012). Watikuu lullabies reflect the interactions of women for they are exclusively composed and sang by women. They are songs for women by women. Some of the lullabies sung, have been passed over from generation to generation. With regard to this, the women replace the content of the lullabies, while the melody remains. The Watikuu women compose new words depending on the message they want to pass across as they sing. There is always a target audience for the messages in the lullabies. Its in this context that the researchers investigated the messages especially those whose target audience are women in an attempt to find out how women perceive themselves among the Watikuu. Given that the composers and singers of the lullabies are women, the eco-critics theory was used to guide the analysis of a woman’s perception of a woman in Watikuu lullabies.

Ikisiri: Bembelezi ni nyimbo za kitamaduni zinazoimbwa kote ulimwenguni ili kuwabembeleza watoto wanaolia na kuwafanya walale, (Gunes na Gunes, 2012). Bembelezi za Watikuu huimbwa na wanawake. Baadhi ya bembelezi wanazoimba ni za kupokezwa kwa hivyo hufaraguliwa wanapoziimba. Hii ina maana kuwa wanawake Watikuu hutunga maneno upya ili kukidhi haja zao za kimawasiliano kutegemea ujumbe wanaotaka kuwasilisha wakati wanapoimba. Ujumbe huo huwa na mlengwa, ni kwa muktadha huu ambapo watafiti wanapania kuchunguza ujumbe hususan unaowalenga wanawake ili kubaini vile mwanamke anavyomwona mwanamke mwenzake katika jamii ya Watikuu. Kwa kuwa wazalishaji na waimbaji wa bembelezi hizi ni wanawake, nadharia ya uhakiki-kike itatumiwa kuchunguza mtazamo wa mwanamke dhidi ya mwanamke mwenzake na kwa jumla jinsi mwanamke anavyosawiriwa katika bembelezi za Kitikuu.