Influence of Teachers Administrative Strategies on Bridging Gender Gap in KCSE Academic Performance in Mixed Boarding Secondary Schools in Nandi North Sub- County, Kenya
Keter David Kiplagat, Dr. Kiprop David & Dr Kapkiai Moses
Kisii University, Kenya
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Abstract: Despite all the measures taken to give education equal gender opportunities, there is so much gender inequality in education worldwide. Discrepancies in performance between males and females, school completion rates, and participation in job opportunities are much more prevalent in some regions of the world than in others. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to explore the influence of teachers’ administrative strategies on the gender gap in the academic performance of form four students in mixed secondary schools in Nandi North Sub County, Nandi County. It was driven by social constructivism theory. Given the nature of the study, a descriptive research design was adopted. The target population of this study included the sub-county directors and 6 zonal CSOs and all the 446 class teachers with a sample of 212 respondents based on Yamane’s formula. Questionnaires were used to collect data. Validity was determined using expert judgment while reliability was measured using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The results were evaluated using both inferential and descriptive statistics. The study findings indicated that classroom management strategies influence the gender gap in the academic performance of KCSE candidates. It is therefore recommended that there is a need to urgently address issues that will take education to another level and adapt measures that will ensure equity in performance for all. The focus of this change should be gender and academic performance.