Influence of Smart Agriculture Literacy Empowerment Programs on Sustainable Household Food Security in Baringo County, Kenya

Influence of Smart Agriculture Literacy Empowerment Programs on Sustainable Household Food Security in Baringo County, Kenya

Stanley Kipchumba, Dennis Mamboleo & Lumayo Mildred Fedha
Department of Sociology, Gender and Development Studies
Kisii University, Kenya

Abstract: Food insecurity remains a significant challenge, particularly for rural households that rely on agriculture as their primary source of livelihood. Despite various efforts to address this issue, many households continue to struggle with inadequate food production, poor resource management, and a lack of sustainable agricultural practices. This study investigated the influence of literacy empowerment programs on sustainable household food security in Baringo County. Using a cross-sectional research design, the study employed mixed methods to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. A total of 316 registered members from SMART Agriculture and 6 field officers were selected as the study sample. Data was gathered through interviews and questionnaires and analyzed using Pearson Correlation and linear regression. The findings revealed that literacy programs significantly improve agricultural knowledge, climate-smart practices, and resource management, leading to enhanced food security at the household level. A majority of respondents reported increased confidence in agricultural practices, better decision-making, and improved participation in food security discussions, all attributed to literacy programs. Furthermore, a Pearson correlation of 0.721 with a significance value of p = 0.000 indicates a strong, positive relationship between literacy empowerment programs and sustainable food security. The study concluded that literacy empowerment programs play a crucial role in equipping individuals, particularly women, with the skills and knowledge necessary to manage agricultural practices effectively, fostering long-term food security. These findings pointed out the importance of integrating literacy programs into agricultural development strategies to enhance food resilience and sustainability.