Influence of Quality of Relationships between Teachers and Others on the Academic Achievement of Students in Public Secondary Schools in Kiambu County, Kenya

Influence of Quality of Relationships between Teachers and Others on the Academic Achievement of Students in Public Secondary Schools in Kiambu County, Kenya

Edith Njoroge 0000-0002-1557-6366, Anne Muiru 0000-0003-0232-8096 & Benson Njoroge 0009-0003-4607-2317
School of Education, Mount Kenya University – Thika, Kenya

Abstract: The Kenyan system of learning has heavily been reliant on examination results. Performance at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Kiambu County over the years has been dismal. Despite the fact that most national schools are located in the County and consistently achieve excellent KCSE results, the 2022 KCSE analysis reveals that more than 50% of the 261 secondary schools in the County posted a mean standard score of less than 3.0. Thus, the current study was guided by a research question; What is the influence of teacher’s level of self-efficacy on learners’ academic achievement in public secondary schools in Kiambu County? Ryff’s psychology model was used and complemented by the Production
function theory. The study employed a concurrent triangulation research design and conducted in public secondary schools in Kiambu County, Kenya with a target population of 116,333 individuals. The sample consisted of 23 principals (10%), 261 teachers (10%) and 3854 students. Data collection utilized interviews for principals, questionnaires for teachers, and observation guides for students, and supplemented by document analysis. The research revealed significant variations in teachers’ personal qualities and their impact on learner achievement in public secondary schools in Kiambu County. While some teachers expressed a desire for change and improvement, others seemed unaffected by these concerns, highlighting challenges in addressing personal stagnation among educators. Notably, the quality of teachers’ relationships with others emerged as a key factor influencing learner academic achievement, with approximately 70.3% of variations attributed to this aspect.