Influence of Principals’ Financial Management Competencies on Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Kwale County, Kenya
Mumia Mvurya Mbovu, Ruth Thinguri and Mary Mugwe Chui
School of Education
Mount Kenya University
Abstract: Principals’ financial management competencies contribute towards the performance of secondary schools. However, in Kwale County, academic performance is low. This study sought to assess the influence of principals’ financial management competency on the academic performance in public secondary schools. This study adopted a mixed methodology and applied a descriptive survey and phenomenological research designs. Target population was 4327 respondents which comprised 92 principals, 1564 members of the School Board of Management (BoM), 832 teachers, 10 Sub- County Directors of Education (SCDEs) and 1834 student leaders from which a sample of 365 respondents was determined using Yamane’s Formula. Stratified sampling was used to create five (5) strata based on the number of sub-counties in Kwale County. From each sub-county, three principals and four (4) members of school BoM were selected using purposive sampling. All the 10 SCDEs were purposely sampled. However, from each sub-county, 40 teachers and 16 student leaders were selected using simple random sampling. This procedure realized a sample of 15 principals, 200 teachers, 60 members of school BoM, 10 SCDEs and 80 student leaders. Qualitative data were analyzed thematically and presented in narrative form. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively using frequencies and percentages and inferentially using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Analysis in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Version 25) and presented using tables. The study found that academic performance in public secondary schools in Kwale County has been low and is attributed to principals’ inadequate financial management competencies. Thus, the MoE should continue equipping principals with financial management skills.