Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education Sat, 29 Jun 2024 07:07:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education 32 32 194867206 An Evaluation of Self-esteem on Relationship Formation among Students in Public Secondary Schools of Murang’a County, Kenya Sat, 29 Jun 2024 07:04:23 +0000 Read More Read More

John Mwangi Marubu – Mount Kenya University
Anne Wanjiku Muiru – Kirinyaga University, Kenya
Josephine Kirimi – Mount Kenya University

Abstract: Self-esteem occupies a key place in the structure of adolescents because it is related to both mental health and definition of life goals. One of the central developmental task that aids the formation and shaping of self-esteem during adolescence is the relationship formation with significant others. However, daily forms of human relationships are becoming negatively impacted by changes in culture, parenting styles, urbanization, globalization, new technologies and institutional changes with consequences in changing family structures, socialization and relations. This study, therefore, purposes to evaluate self-esteem on relationship formation among students in public secondary schools in Murang’a County, Kenya. The study adopted a mixed methodology paradigm. The target population was 101,926 students, 2,236 student peer counselors and 292 guidance and counseling teachers. The sample size was 431 respondents. The data collection tools included questionnaires for students, interview guides for teachers and focused group discussion guides for peer counselors. Quantitative data was analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics while the qualitative data was analyzed in narrative forms. The study evaluated self-esteem on relationship formation among students. The study established that the level of self- esteem was high among secondary school students in Murang’a County, Kenya and that a positive significant relationship exists between self-esteem and relationship formation. The study recommended that curriculum developers and policy makers need to provide curriculum that afford opportunities to promote and nurture talents among learners. In addition, teachers and parents should emphasize identification of talents by assigning tasks and responsibilities which eventually improve competencies and self-worth among learners.

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Community Knowledge and Attitude on Community Led Total Sanitation after Open Defecation-Free Certification of Balaka District in Malawi Sat, 22 Jun 2024 05:39:13 +0000 Read More Read More

Laston Kamwana – Malawi Adventist University, Malamulo College of Health Sciences, Department of Public Health
Mavuto Tembo – Mzuzu University. Department of Water and Sanitation
Russel Chidya – Mzuzu University. Department of Agribusiness.

Abstract: Community-Led Total Sanitation is a sanitation behaviour change approach aimed at stopping open defecation. It compels communities to sustainably construct latrines, use them and wash their hands with soap after open defecation. Change of behaviour for the Sustainability of these practices is a challenge as communities return to open defecation. The study evaluated community knowledge and attitude toward Community-Led Total Sanitation in Balaka District, the first Open Defecation Free certified model District in Malawi four years after Open Defecation Free status certification. Descriptive cross-sectional study design adopting both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods was used. Data was collected from heads of household (438) and Focused Group Discussion (6) sessions. Communities have adequate knowledge on Community-Led Total Sanitation and Open defecation status and a positive attitude towards Community-Led Total Sanitation implementations and open defecation status despite having very low hand washing facility coverage (36%, n=158) and hand washing with soap after defecation (24% n = 105). Knowledge has no influence on latrine use and hand washing facility construction (p >0.05) while attitude has influence on hand washing facility constriction (p <0.05) in Balaka. Emphasis is required on health promotion on hand-washing facility construction and washing hands with soap to to ensure sustainable sanitation practices beyond ODF certification.

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Servant Leadership and Performance of Projects: A Case of World Vision Projects in Arusha Region, Tanzania Sat, 22 Jun 2024 05:35:42 +0000 Read More Read More

Sheila Mkandawire, Jennifer Wangari Wairiuko & Paschal Wambiya
Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya

Abstract: Leadership is defined as a way of motivating people towards achieving a common goal. In project management, leadership plays a critical role in fostering positive communication and achieving project success. This paper focuses on the influence of servant leadership on performance of projects implemented by World Vision in Arusha Region, Tanzania. The study involved a mixed methods approach to obtain relevant data for the study, and a convergent parallel design for data analysis. Findings revealed that servant leadership had a significantly high influence on performance of project, with majority of respondents expressing positive responses with the leadership style. Overall, the research emphasized the need to consider additional factors, such as technology, team diversity, risk, and culture, in understanding the full impact of servant leadership on performance of projects. Further investigation into these performance-related factors is recommended to enhance performance of projects. In conclusion, the study highlighted the significance of servant leadership in project management and stressed the importance of a comprehensive approach that goes beyond the servant leadership style to ensure effective performance of projects.

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Effect of Marketing Communication Strategies on Consumer Preferences and Purchasing Decisions: A Case of Huye Complex Market in Huye District, Rwanda Thu, 06 Jun 2024 16:33:35 +0000 Read More Read More

Ally Majaliwa, Robert Giscard Rurema, Nadege Kwizera, Nicole Urwibutso
Rwanda Polytechnic (Huye College)

Abstract: Marketing communication strategies hold significant influence over consumer purchasing behavior through the establishment of brand awareness, provision of information, shaping of perceptions and attitudes, brand differentiation, leveraging social proof, fostering engagement and interaction, eliciting emotional connections, and prompting action. This study explores the impact of marketing communication strategies on consumer preferences and purchasing decisions in the Huye complex market. The research aimed to evaluate the effect of advertisements on consumer preferences and purchasing decisions. It employed a quantitative research design with a target population of 3123 market sellers and a sample size of 355 respondents, determined using Yamane’s formula. Questionnaires were utilized to gather data on the influence of advertisements on consumer preferences and purchasing decisions. The collected data underwent careful editing and analysis using SPSS version 21. The findings revealed a noteworthy positive correlation between advertisements and consumer preferences and purchasing decisions (r=739**, p=0.000). Based on these results, the study suggests that advertisements should evoke feelings of desire, aspiration, happiness, or empathy among consumers. Establishing emotional connections can bolster brand loyalty and influence purchasing decisions. Furthermore, advertising messages should be clear, concise, and targeted to the relevant audience. They should emphasize the unique features, benefits, and value propositions of the products or services to capture consumers’ attention and interest.

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Teachers’ Attitude towards the Use of Excel Software, to Teach and Learn Statistics on Learner’s Performance in Rwanda’s Kicukiro Public Upper Secondary Schools Thu, 06 Jun 2024 16:27:58 +0000 Read More Read More

Theobald Gasigwa, Servilien Bimenyimana & Josias Nteziryimana
University of Rwanda College of Education (UR-CE), African Center of Excellence for Innovative Teaching and Learning Mathematics and Science (ACEITLMS) in Master of Education in Mathematics-Education.

Abstract: The development of technology, especially ICT, influences education. There was the initiation of smart classrooms and the distribution of laptops to science teachers, in 2016 in Rwanda. But for now, a few pupils do poorly on questions involving probability and statistics but do well in other areas of the math exam, when they use calculators. This study examined the attitude of teachers towards the use of Excel software to teach and learn statistics. The target population was upper public schools in the Kicukiro district having smart classrooms, teachers who have computers, and having combinations studying core mathematics. Sixteen (16) who had the required prerequisites were interviewed. Case study research design and thematic analysis were used. Results indicated a positive attitude of teachers to integrate Excel software in teaching and learning statistics. According to this study, more computer labs should be established, teachers should be trained in computer use and software like Excel, and all teachers should be given computers, to allow students to use Excel software in statistics, and to use Excel software in all secondary schools in teaching and learning statistics in other Rwandan districts, as well as in academic institutions.

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The Role of Small-Group Practices on Members’ Participation in Church Mission in North-West Rwanda Tue, 04 Jun 2024 03:07:41 +0000 Read More Read More

Mutuyimana Nkundakozera
President North-West Rwanda, Field
School of Theology Seminary, Adventist University of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.

Abstract: A lot of literature relating to small group practices in the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) exists, but they have not done enough to address the growing need of the church members to fully participate in the ministry. This study examined how small-group practices enhance members’ participation in the Ministry. It specifically examined small group practices in the Old Testament (OT), New Testament (NT), in the SDA Church, in the North-West Rwanda Field (NWRF) of the SDA Church, and how they are adopted there. The study used a scoping review approach which included secondary data from the Bible, religious and non-religious literature, and reports from the NWRF. Data analysis was thematically performed to identify various group practices. These were presented according to the study objectives. Findings showed that small groups existed in the OT and NT and included commitment to service, faith in God, obedience to God, leadership, worship, mission care, Christ-centered, community-centered, selfless, and nurturing. In the SDA Churches, practices like community, prayer, nurturing, cell fellowship, and social were exercised. In the NWRF, they practiced training and nurturing. However, most of the established small groups in the NWRF seemed to have departmental structures. This study provided additional knowledge to the understanding of the practical functionality of small groups in the NWRF. The study concluded that small groups in OT, NT, SDA Church, and in NWRF had both similar and varying practices that can be used to enhance church members’ participation in the NWRF ministry. The study recommends the establishment of small groups whose practices are based on the OT, NT, and SDA Church models. The study further recommended the use of mixed methods in future studies to corroborate the findings of this study.

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Investigating Strategies for Church Members’ Retention: The Case of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the North-West Rwanda Field Thu, 30 May 2024 11:04:11 +0000 Read More Read More

Mutuyimana Nkundakozera
President North-West Rwanda, Field
School of Theology Seminary, Adventist University of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya.

Abstract: The Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) is one of the Christian churches globally founded on making discipleship for Jesus Christ. This makes it experience the numerical growth of new church members. This is attributed to its numerous discipleship programs that lead to the conversion of new church members. Despite that, however, strategies to retain new members are ineffective as some backslide and drop attending church services or cease to participate in various church discipleship programs. This paper uses the descriptive literature review methodology to investigate the various effective biblical and Spirit of Prophecy strategies that can be used to retain newly converted SDA church members. First, the paper analyses the Old Testament retention strategies, the New Testament retention strategies used by Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul, the retention strategies according to the Spirit of Prophecy by Ellen G. White; as well as other retention strategies revealed in other literature. A conclusion is then drawn indicating the found strategies that work. The study informs the SDA church about the best strategies for retaining newly converted members for church members’ numerical and spiritual growth.

Influence of Examination Setting Practices on the Academic Performance of Public Secondary School in Hargeisa Region, Somaliland Thu, 30 May 2024 08:40:48 +0000 Read More Read More

Renson Evayo, Mary Mugwe Chui & Josephine Kirimi
School of Education, Mount Kenya University, Kenya

Abstract: Hargeisa region in Somaliland has students’ performance at subpar, with low grades reported in national examinations. According to a report by the Somaliland Ministry of Education (2019), out of 8,787 students who took the National Form Four examination, 37% obtained low grades ranging from D+ to E. Furthermore, poor performance was evident in mathematics and science, with no region achieving an average of 35% in math for high school students. Despite these observations, there has been a lack of research examining the relationship between national examination management and students’ academic performance. Thus, the study was guided by a research question; What is the influence of examination setting practices on the academic performance of public secondary school in Hargeisa region, Somaliland? The study was guided by the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and the self-determination theory. The study employed an explanatory sequential research design with a sample of 52 consisting of 5 principals, 45 teachers, 1 Examination Officer and 1 Sub-Region Director of Education. The study employed questionnaires and an interview guide to collect data. The study found a moderate positive level of relationship between examination setting practices and academic performance (r=.622). The study found that examination distribution practices influence the academic performance of public secondary schools in Hargeisa region, Somaliland. This was through examinations dispatch and distribution of examinations. The study recommends that school principals in public secondary schools in Hargeisa, Somaliland, employ positive examination setting practices to motivate the candidates towards academic performance.

Teachers’ Views on Tanzania Corporal Punishment Legal Policy in Schools: Level and Manner of Implementation Wed, 22 May 2024 17:53:44 +0000 Read More Read More

Elkana S. Ntebi
Institute of Adult Education, Tanzania

Abstract: Globally, countries are working out to abolish the use of corporal punishment in schools. With no exclusion, Tanzania has been making different efforts to attain full eradication of corporal punishment (CP) in schools, including introducing the policy on how to administer corporal punishment in schools. Despite the efforts, teachers are witnessed using CP in managing discipline to their students. Studies revealed that the manner and extent for implementation of CP policy differs from one school to another. This study focused on exploring factors accounting for the level and manner of implementing the policy. The study used quantitative approach, and descriptive design which applied questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The data were collected from 13 Tanzanian primary school teachers. The findings show that students’ discipline; poor society involvement; lack of support from school and teachers not being updated of the policy are factors associated with manner and level of implementation of the policy. There is a need to find inclusive methods on how schools and community can work on improving students’ discipline, the responsible body for the policy needs to work on how it updates teachers on the policy. This will help them to see challenges and find collective ways to mitigate.

Capacity Building Techniques and Recidivism Prevention among the Prison Inmates in Selected Prisons in Nairobi County, Kenya Mon, 20 May 2024 04:56:09 +0000 Read More Read More

Abraham Eskuri Mutia, Mary Mutisya & Jennifer Wangari
Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Abstract: Prisons were established with the purpose of rehabilitating and reintegrating offenders into the community. Despite going through prisons, a great number of offenders still commit the same crimes. The study aimed at assessing the influence of the capacity building techniques employed in rehabilitation of the inmates in prisons to address recidivism in Nairobi County Kenya. The study was guided by Reintegration theory and Risk need responsively model. A convergent parallel research design-Mixed method research approach was adopted.Six (6) prisons containing inmates imprisoned upto 10 years were selected purposively since the inmates were likely to go back to the community and were in the age of majority,further by use of simple random sampling, 323 re-offenders were sampled, 36 leaders of the inmates selected purposefully and 22 Key informants from prison administration and 4 probation officers selected purposively. The study used questionnaires, focus group and interview guide in data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze quantitative data using SPSS version 25 and was presented by use of tables, Qualitative data was analyzed through thematic analysis and presented through verbatim. Study findings revealed that the Capacity building programs positively correlated at (r=069). In conclusion the study points out that rehabilitation needs to address specific risks/needs of the inmates by collaborating prison and probation departments to ensure inmates are helped undergo pre-entry assessment to prisons and are transitioned well to community upon release. A comparative study on the effectiveness of prison rehabilitation approaches and probation rehabilitation approaches needs to be conducted.
