Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education Thu, 20 Feb 2025 06:03:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in Education 32 32 194867206 Resource Allocation and Success of Housing Construction Project: A Case of Rubirizi Center of Excellence, Rwanda Thu, 20 Feb 2025 06:01:57 +0000 Read More Read More

Albertine Tuyizere & Samuel Wabala
University of Kigali, Rwanda

Abstract: This study investigates the impact of resource allocation on the performance of housing construction projects in Rubirizi, Rwanda. Utilizing a descriptive research design, the study examines how effective resource planning, scheduling, tracking, and utilization contribute to project success. The research is grounded in the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory and contingency theory, emphasizing the importance of leveraging valuable, rare, and inimitable resources to gain a competitive advantage. The sample comprised 128 respondents from various construction companies and regulatory authorities in Rwanda, selected using purposive sampling. Data was collected using structured questionnaires and analyzed through descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and multiple regression models. The results show that resource planning and management have a significant positive impact on project success, with a high level of agreement among respondents that proper resource allocation contributes to meeting project goals and adhering to budgets. The findings indicate a strong correlation between resource planning and project success (r = 0.668, p < 0.01). It is recommended that construction firms invest in improving resource management practices, strengthen supply chain coordination, and adopt data-driven decision-making tools to enhance project outcomes.

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Leveraging Artificial Intelligence Applications as Catalysts for Management of Training Programs in Technical and Vocational Training in Nairobi County, Kenya Tue, 18 Feb 2025 05:28:52 +0000 Read More Read More

Mary Mugwe Chui
School of Education, Mount Kenya University

Abstract: Learning institutions have started using artificial intelligence applications to enhance the management of training programs. However, many technical and vocational training institutions in Nairobi County face challenges such as low trainee engagement, difficulties with industrial attachments, wasted instructional time, and poor communication. Therefore, this study aimed to explore how artificial intelligence applications can serve as catalysts for managing training programs in public TVETs in Nairobi County, Kenya. The research employed a mixed methodology, utilizing a concurrent triangulation design. The target population included 4,080 respondents, consisting of 36 Deans of Schools, 180 Heads of Departments, 407 tutors, and 3,457 trainees, from which a sample of 364 respondents was calculated using Yamane’s Formula. Qualitative data were analyzed thematically according to the study’s objectives and presented in narrative form. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively with frequencies and percentages and inferentially using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Analysis in SPSS 26, with results displayed in tables. The study found that the management of training programs in public TVETs faces numerous challenges, including low trainee engagement, issues with industrial attachments, wasted instructional time, and ineffective communication, all contributing to low completion rates. To address these issues, TVETs have started to adopt artificial intelligence applications. However, the findings indicate that significant improvements in the management of training programs have yet to be realized. Therefore, the study recommends that TVETs should continue investing in artificial intelligence tools aimed at enhancing planning and managing trainee preparation activities.

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Parents’ Values, Quality of Their Relationships, and Marital Stability among Married Individuals in Deliverance Churches International-Kenya (DCI-K), Kasarani Sub-County, Nairobi, Kenya Tue, 18 Feb 2025 05:20:48 +0000 Read More Read More

Jacinta Wanjiku Kimani – Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya
Elizabeth W. Kamau – Pan Africa Christian University, Kenya
Wilkins Ndege Muhingi – Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Abstract: An individual’s experience in early childhood has far-reaching implications on life outcomes in later adulthood, including marital life. This study focused on parental heritage and its impact on the offspring’s marital stability development process. Specifically, the study examined the effect of parents’ values, parent-child relationship, and the quality of parents’ relationships on marital stability on marital stability among married individuals in Deliverance Churches International-Kenya (DCI-K), Kasarani Sub- County – Nairobi, Kenya. The study was conducted among married individuals. Attachment theory was applied to explain the nexus between parental heritage and marital stability. The research took a post-positivist lens and the descriptive research design where a concurrent mixed method was used in data collection. The target population was 10% of the married congregant population of the 22 local church assemblies in Kasarani Sub-County. A total of 340 respondents were selected through a stratified sampling method. Data was collected using a questionnaire and key informant interview guide and analyzed using descriptive statistics in (the SPSS 28.0) version and synthesis of thematic areas from qualitative data. The study revealed a strong positive correlation of 0.7 between parents’ values and marital stability, with a noteworthy p-value of 0.001 indicating a significant influence of parental values. Further, the quality of parents’ relationship also showed a moderately strong correlation with marital stability. This was marked by a coefficient of 0.583 and a p-value of 0.001 underscoring the role of parental relationship quality. The study findings inform the development and enrichment of the parental, marital, and pre-marital programs in churches, institutions, and therapy practices to strengthen families and marriages.

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Parents’ Values, Quality of Their Relationships, and Marital Stability among Married Individuals in Deliverance Churches International-Kenya (DCI-K), Kasarani Sub-County, Nairobi, Kenya Tue, 18 Feb 2025 05:08:17 +0000 0 5890 User Authentication Security Assessment in Mobile Banking Applications: A Survey with Usability Design Approach in Dodoma, Tanzania Mon, 17 Feb 2025 12:39:38 +0000 Read More Read More

William George Malugu, Shuubi Alphonce Mutajwaa & Matendo Didas
Center of Information and Communication Technology
St. John’s University of Tanzania

Abstract: Usability is a key factor in the quality of the product, which includes ease of use, user satisfaction, and the ability of the user to understand the product without practice quickly. As smartphone usage increases, most organizations have shifted their services to mobile applications, such as mobile banking. However, it is crucial to evaluate the security of user authentication and determine how, in a heuristic, user-friendly setting, security features in mobile banking applications can affect different parts of the industry. Using a usability design approach, this study investigated user authentication in mobile banking applications in Dodoma, Tanzania. The study used a mixed research approach to collect data from respondents who utilize mobile banking applications in their daily aspects. The primary three themes of the study were: i) present usability problems and security flaws found in mobile banking applications; ii) user-initiated research on usability difficulties; and iii) recommendations for enhancing security without sacrificing user enjoyment. The study’s practical significance is rooted in its ability to improve mobile banking security by integrating user-friendly authentication design guidelines. The implication of this study is summarized in the form of parties to be affected by the study findings that is to say, researcher and practical applications, improved security practices in mobile banking applications, enhanced user experience, and awareness about usability issues while utilizing mobile banking applications in any transaction and interaction.

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Effectiveness of Excel-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Statistics for Learners’ Acquisition of 21st Century Skills Sun, 16 Feb 2025 05:29:02 +0000 Read More Read More

Gift Muke Kazika

Department of Mathematics Education, Mansa College of Education, Mansa, Zambia

Priestly Malambo

Department of Mathematics & Science Education, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia


Abstract: The integration of computer technologies in mathematics education can equip learners with the essential skills needed to succeed in the information and technology age. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Excel Assisted Instruction (EAI) in teaching statistics for learners’ acquisition of 21st century skills (21CS). The research was conducted with Grade 11 learners at Mwense Secondary School in Luapula Province, Zambia. An embedded quasi-experimental design was implemented. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected. The experimental group received statistics lessons using EAI, while the control group was taught through conventional methods. Prior to the intervention, a diagnostic assessment on 21CS was administered to the two groups, followed by a focus group discussion interview. Qualitative data were analyzed thematically, while MS Excel was used to score and organize the quantitative data. Descriptive statistics, independent sample t-tests, and Mann-Whitney U tests were conducted using SPSS V27.0 for data analysis. The results indicated a statistically significant difference (sig < .001) in the scores of learners taught with EAI (Mean = 82.27%, SD = 3.38) compared to those taught via the conventional method (Mean = 39.23%, SD = 4.12). It found that learners in the experimental group demonstrated better 21CS compared to those in the control group. These findings were further supported by themes that emerged from the interview discussions. The study revealed that EAI is effective in teaching secondary school statistics and promoting the development of 21CS.

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Community Engagement and Water Flow Project Performance in Rwanda: A Case Study of Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) Project in Bugesera District Thu, 13 Feb 2025 14:39:36 +0000 Read More Read More

Modeste Niyihaba & Mburamatare Daniel

University of Kigali


Abstract: This study explores the influence of community engagement on the performance of the Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) project in Bugesera District, Rwanda. It employs the Theory of Social Change, Stakeholder Theory, and Resource-Based View as its theoretical framework. The research specifically examines how community engagement in project planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) impacts the overall performance of WASAC projects in the region. A descriptive research design was employed, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample consisted of 292 respondents selected from a population of 2,356 through purposive and random sampling techniques. Data was gathered via structured questionnaires and interview guides and analyzed using SPSS software (version 21). Correlation and multiple regression analyses were used to assess the relationships between community engagement and project performance. The findings reveal a complex interaction between community engagement and project outcomes. Engagement in M&E practices was found to have a strong positive correlation with project performance (r = 0.728, p < 0.01) This indicates that active community participation in monitoring and evaluating the project significantly enhances its effectiveness. The study concludes that effective community engagement, particularly in M&E, is crucial for enhancing project performance. It is recommended that efforts be focused on strengthening community involvement in M&E processes, addressing challenges in the planning phase, and exploring further research into the long-term effects of community engagement, considering context-specific factors that may influence outcomes.

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Factors Affecting Social Media Usage in Students’ Selection of Study Programs in Higher Learning Institutions: A Case of Moshi Cooperative University and Mwenge Catholic University Thu, 13 Feb 2025 08:56:56 +0000 Read More Read More

Winfrida Justo Mbowe – Arusha Technical College

Elizabeth Swai – Mwenge Catholic University, Tanzania


Abstract: For the past decade social media usage has tremendously increased. Despite the growth, it is still unclear how the use of social media platforms affects the choice of students in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania. Therefore, the mainpurpose of this study was to examine the extent to which factors affecting social media usage in students’ selection of study programs in Higher Learning Institutions. The study was conducted on two higher Learning Institutions namely Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) and Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU) located in Kilimanjaro region. The study employed cross-sectional research design. The data collection method employed method used was survey method. The study used the sample size of 357 out of 3333 first year undergraduate students. Furthermore, the study employed multiple linear regression to test for the relationship between variables. The results of the study indicate that facilitative conditions, costs, skills and competence, and social Influence are statistically significant in predicting social media usage in students’ choice/selection of study programs. The study concluded that there is enough statistical evidence to explain the extent to which factor affecting social media usage in students’ selection of study programs in Higher Learning Institutions. Furthermore, the study recommended that the university should strive to expand their operations to multiple social media applications.

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Influence of Quality of Relationships between Teachers and Others on the Academic Achievement of Students in Public Secondary Schools in Kiambu County, Kenya Mon, 10 Feb 2025 05:53:09 +0000 Read More Read More

Edith Njoroge 0000-0002-1557-6366, Anne Muiru 0000-0003-0232-8096 & Benson Njoroge 0009-0003-4607-2317
School of Education, Mount Kenya University – Thika, Kenya

Abstract: The Kenyan system of learning has heavily been reliant on examination results. Performance at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Kiambu County over the years has been dismal. Despite the fact that most national schools are located in the County and consistently achieve excellent KCSE results, the 2022 KCSE analysis reveals that more than 50% of the 261 secondary schools in the County posted a mean standard score of less than 3.0. Thus, the current study was guided by a research question; What is the influence of teacher’s level of self-efficacy on learners’ academic achievement in public secondary schools in Kiambu County? Ryff’s psychology model was used and complemented by the Production
function theory. The study employed a concurrent triangulation research design and conducted in public secondary schools in Kiambu County, Kenya with a target population of 116,333 individuals. The sample consisted of 23 principals (10%), 261 teachers (10%) and 3854 students. Data collection utilized interviews for principals, questionnaires for teachers, and observation guides for students, and supplemented by document analysis. The research revealed significant variations in teachers’ personal qualities and their impact on learner achievement in public secondary schools in Kiambu County. While some teachers expressed a desire for change and improvement, others seemed unaffected by these concerns, highlighting challenges in addressing personal stagnation among educators. Notably, the quality of teachers’ relationships with others emerged as a key factor influencing learner academic achievement, with approximately 70.3% of variations attributed to this aspect.

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Effect of Project Life Cycle Management on Project Performance in Rwanda: A Case of Learning Through Play (LTP) Project in Bugesera District Mon, 10 Feb 2025 05:36:52 +0000 Read More Read More

Nadia Umutoni & Ronald Kwena
University of Kigali

Abstract: This study investigates the effect of Project Life Cycle Management (PLCM) on the performance of the Learning Through Play (LTP) Project in Bugesera District, Rwanda. Specifically, the study evaluates the impact of project identification on the overall project performance in Bugesera District. Anchored in Project Management Theory, the study employed correlational and descriptive research designs, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods. A sample of 138 respondents was surveyed, with data collected through questionnaires and interviews. SPSS Version 23.0 was used to analyze the data, with findings presented using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and regression models. The results revealed a strong positive relationship between the project life cycle management practices and project performance, with the correlation coefficients for project identification with project performance (r = 0.617). Regression analysis confirmed that project identification is a significant predictor of project performance, with a p-value of 0.000, indicating statistical significance. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of comprehensive project identification in improving the performance of the LTP Project. Based on these findings, the study recommends that the LTP Project should invest in improving the clarity and communication of roles and responsibilities across departments. This will ensure that all team members are aligned, collaborate effectively, and avoid any misunderstandings or inefficiencies during the project execution phase. Regularly updating terms of reference and providing clarity in job roles will further enhance project cohesion and success.

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