Enhancing Self-Efficacy of Female Engineering Students: A Case Study at ULK Polytechnic Institute, Rwanda

Enhancing Self-Efficacy of Female Engineering Students: A Case Study at ULK Polytechnic Institute, Rwanda

Jeannine Mutijima & Bonaventure Nkiranuye
ULK Polytechnic Institute, Rwanda
Email: marebegnine@gmail.com

Abstract: The study aimed to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on self-efficacy enhancement strategies while providing practical insights. Employing a structured qualitative survey, the research explored the experiences, perceptions, and challenges encountered by female engineering students at ULK Polytechnic Institute in their academic journey, with a particular focus on self-efficacy beliefs. The sample comprised 22 first-year students chosen for their willingness to engage in interventions aimed at improving self-efficacy, ensuring a varied representation of academic performance and backgrounds. Through comprehensive data collection and analysis, the study showed a range of self-efficacy perceptions among participants, highlighting the influence of individual experiences and support networks on confidence levels. Importantly, interactions with faculty, peers, and mentors emerged as pivotal factors influencing students’ confidence in their engineering abilities. Recommendations included the implementation of mentorship programs, raising inclusive learning environments, and organizing workshops to strengthen confidence and resilience among female engineering students. The study further emphasized the significant contribution of practical learning experiences to enhancing self-efficacy levels in engineering education.

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