Employers’ Desired Employability Skills in Pre-Service Teacher Graduates: A Case Study of Kyambogo University, Uganda
Abdulaziz Kakooza, Maria Goretti Kaahwa & Philip Owino
Department of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Instructional Media
Kyambogo University, Uganda
Email: aziz.kakooza@gmail.com
Abstract: The study explored the key employability skills sought by employers of graduate teachers in Uganda, examining how these competencies can be integrated more effectively into pre-service teacher training programs. Guided by an interpretivist philosophical orientation, this qualitative single-case study was conducted at Kyambogo University. Purposive sampling included 2 heads of department, 8 lecturers, 22 final-year pre-service teacher trainees, and 8 head teachers from both public and private secondary schools. Data collection encompassed key informant interviews and focus group discussions. Thematic analysis was used to derive key themes. Trustworthiness was reinforced through peer debriefing, triangulation, and member checking. Findings revealed that employers consistently emphasized a set of ten core employability skills communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, leadership, emotional intelligence, adaptability, problem-solving, time management, and self-sufficiency. These competencies were deemed vital for newly hired teachers to manage dynamic classroom environments, innovate within resource constraints, and contribute effectively to school communities. The study recommended that pre-service teacher training programmes should systematically embed these employability skills and assess them through practical experiences and mentorship. Stakeholders, including policymakers and educational leaders, must also offer institutional support such as professional development and structured collaborative opportunities to foster ongoing skill enhancement.