Effects of Ongoing Pastoral Formation on the Ministry of Priests in Bungoma Catholic Diocese in Kenya
Willis W. Wafula, Jeketule Soko & Jude Chisanga
Tangaza University College, Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Corresponding author: wwillyw2014@gmail.com
Abstract: Given its nature and mission, Priestly ministry is dynamic and requires continuous formation to remain relevant and effective. This study explored the effects of pastoral formation on the Ministry of Priests in Bungoma Catholic Diocese, Kenya. The objectives of the study were: how pastoral formation have promoted the pastoral ministry; how pastoral activities of priests have contributed to the growth of the diocese; pastoral charity as a motivating factor for priests’ pastoral ministry in Bungoma Catholic Diocese. This study employed the theory of Psycho-Social Dynamics of Christian Vocation postulated by Rulla. The 78 priests of Bungoma Catholic diocese were the study population, among which a sample size of 52 priests was employed in the research. The study adopted a stratified sampling technique to categorize the target population into four strata according to the years they have served as priests. To select priests in a stratum, simple random sampling was done using lottery method sampling. The entire population of each stratum was numbered alphabetically, then a sample was chosen randomly by ‘drawing from a hat’. The parallel mixed-method research design was used during the study. In this design, coding and data analysis were done both qualitatively and quantitatively. The comparison of both findings was done and values established.