Effect of Resource Management Practices on Project Performance: A Case of Rice Meal Project in Rusizi District, Rwanda
Uwiragiye Joseph & Dushimimana Jean De Dieu
University of Kigali
Email: uwiragiyejoseph1996@gmail.com
Abstract: The general objective of this study is to assess the effect of project resource management practices on the performance of Rice Meal project in Rusizi District. The population of the study was 346. A sample size of 186 was calculated using Slovin’s formula. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 25 was employed to analyze collected data, applying descriptive, correlation and regression analysis. Specifically, a unit increase in human resource management results in a 0.277 increase in project performance (B = 0.277, t = 6.442, p = 0.000), confirming its significance. Similarly, a unit increase in financial resource management leads to a 0.245 increase in project performance (B = 0.245, t = 6.622, p = 0.000). A unit increase in material resource management contributes to a 0.362 increase in project performance (B = 0.362, t = 9.282, p = 0.000), indicating the highest effect among the variables. Lastly, a unit increase in technology resource management results in a 0.206 increase in project performance (B = 0.206, t = 4.478, p = 0.000), confirming its significant role in enhancing project outcomes. The study recommended that project managers focus on enhancing human resource management, financial oversight, material procurement, and technology utilization to improve the performance of Rice Meal Project.