Effect of Marketing Communication Strategies on Consumer Preferences and Purchasing Decisions: A Case of Huye Complex Market in Huye District, Rwanda

Effect of Marketing Communication Strategies on Consumer Preferences and Purchasing Decisions: A Case of Huye Complex Market in Huye District, Rwanda

Ally Majaliwa, Robert Giscard Rurema, Nadege Kwizera, Nicole Urwibutso
Rwanda Polytechnic (Huye College)
Email: majaliwaally@gmail.com

Abstract: Marketing communication strategies hold significant influence over consumer purchasing behavior through the establishment of brand awareness, provision of information, shaping of perceptions and attitudes, brand differentiation, leveraging social proof, fostering engagement and interaction, eliciting emotional connections, and prompting action. This study explores the impact of marketing communication strategies on consumer preferences and purchasing decisions in the Huye complex market. The research aimed to evaluate the effect of advertisements on consumer preferences and purchasing decisions. It employed a quantitative research design with a target population of 3123 market sellers and a sample size of 355 respondents, determined using Yamane’s formula. Questionnaires were utilized to gather data on the influence of advertisements on consumer preferences and purchasing decisions. The collected data underwent careful editing and analysis using SPSS version 21. The findings revealed a noteworthy positive correlation between advertisements and consumer preferences and purchasing decisions (r=739**, p=0.000). Based on these results, the study suggests that advertisements should evoke feelings of desire, aspiration, happiness, or empathy among consumers. Establishing emotional connections can bolster brand loyalty and influence purchasing decisions. Furthermore, advertising messages should be clear, concise, and targeted to the relevant audience. They should emphasize the unique features, benefits, and value propositions of the products or services to capture consumers’ attention and interest.

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