Developing English Language Writing Skills Using the Process Model in Zimbabwean Schools

Developing English Language Writing Skills Using the Process Model in Zimbabwean Schools

Gracious Mupupuni
University of Zimbabwe

Abstract: This study sought to assess the implementation of the process model in developing academic writing skills at secondary school level by English language teachers. It focused on the writing skills emphasised by English language teachers of the Zimbabwe Schools Examination Certificate (ZIMSEC) syllabus. Of major concern was an analysis of the efficacy of the skills taught in bridging the gap between secondary education and the academic demands of higher education and professional environments. The research employed a mixed method approach. Thus, both the quantitative and qualitative approaches were employed. A sample of fifty teachers was chosen to participate in the study through simple random sampling. Open ended questionnaires were the main data gathering instrument. Data analysis employed a mixed method approach using both qualitative and descriptive statistics. The ANOVA revealed a significant disparity in students’ academic writing skills across private schools. While teachers employed various methods such as brainstorming and peer editing to improve writing competence, these approaches fall short of preparing students for professional demands. The study recommends that teacher training institutions in Zimbabwe incorporate academic the process model writing skills into their programs and that practising teachers receive further training through workshops and seminars. This approach would better prepare students for success in both academic and professional settings.

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