Challenges Faced by Teachers in Implementing Competence-Based Chemistry Curriculum in Public Secondary Schools in Nyamagana District, Mwanza, Tanzania
James Chacha & Daniel Onyango
St. Augustine University of Tanzania
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Abstract: Curriculum implementation is an activity which teachers perform in order to acquire the nation’s education objectives. Competence-based curriculum requires teachers to carry out the duty of guiding learners and letting them engage actively in various activities in the process of teaching and learning. The main focus of this study was to investigate challenges faced by teachers in the implementation of CBC, specifically the influence of teachers’ competence. The study used a mixed research approach and a convergent parallel design. It drew a sample of 133 respondents using both probability and non-probability sampling process from a population of 38,848 individuals. Data was collected using primary sources of research instruments such as closed and open ended questionnaire and interview guides. The reliability was tested and the coefficient r = 0.8 allowed the researcher to use the tools. Quantitative data collected was analyzed by the use of Statistical Package of Social Science version 21 presented in tables through frequency and percentage while qualitative data was coded and analyzed thematically through narratives. The findings of the study revealed that many public secondary schools in Nyamagana district do not have enough qualified and competent chemistry teachers which are very important in enhancing the implementation of competence-based curriculum in chemistry subject. The study recommends that the government, with its stakeholders, through community involvement, should provide adequate funds for recruiting more chemistry teachers and keep on giving teachers frequent capacity-building training through workshops and seminars to upgrade their qualifications in both content and pedagogy.