Category: Volume 8, Issue 1.

Effectiveness of Leadership Personality on Organisational Performance: A case study of Sony Sugar Company in Awendo Migori County, Kenya

Effectiveness of Leadership Personality on Organisational Performance: A case study of Sony Sugar Company in Awendo Migori County, Kenya

Asuma Mariita Nchaga & Murongo EsauKampala International University, UgandaEmail: Abstract: The global workplace is experiencing difficulty in improving and attaining outstanding accomplishments, accountability, knowledge, skills, abilities and commitment to excellence and has failed to identify effective leadership personalities that can improve the situation. The purpose of the study was to examine effectiveness of leadership…

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The Impact of School Community Attitudes on Learning Efficacy among Learners with Physical Impairments in Public Regular Primary Schools: A Case Study of Kitui County, Kenya

The Impact of School Community Attitudes on Learning Efficacy among Learners with Physical Impairments in Public Regular Primary Schools: A Case Study of Kitui County, Kenya

David Ndethya, Susan Macharia & Cecilia KimaniMount Kenya UniversityEmail: Abstract: Learners with impairments have a right to a quality education in regular classrooms. Nevertheless, the learning efficacy of learners with physical impairments in public regular primary schools has been declining. The goal of this study was to investigate how psychosocial factors affect the learning…

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Devolved Governance Approach and Improved Service Delivery in Nyamira County, Kenya

Devolved Governance Approach and Improved Service Delivery in Nyamira County, Kenya

Asuma Mariita Nchaga – Adventist University of Africa, KenyaMurongo Esau – Kampala International University, UgandaEmail: Abstract: The difficulty with service delivery remains a hard task to determine amongst devolved governments and as such there are mixed reactions in the implementation of devolution. This paper aimed at analyzing the effect of devolution system of governance…

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School Practices in Parental Involvement in Type 1- 6 of Epstein Typologies Significantly Predicting the Level of Parents’ Education Knowledge Base in English Curriculum Content in Grade group A, B and C

School Practices in Parental Involvement in Type 1- 6 of Epstein Typologies Significantly Predicting the Level of Parents’ Education Knowledge Base in English Curriculum Content in Grade group A, B and C

Dorcas Mukami GitongaUniversity of Eastern Africa, Baraton, KenyaEmail: Abstract: This descriptive-correlational study examined whether the level of parental involvement in type 1-6 of Epstein typologies influenced the level of parents’ education knowledge base in English curriculum content. Data was collected from selected Seventh – day Adventist primary schools in Central Kenya Conference. Questionnaires were…

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Twenty-first Century Teacher Challenges of Emerging Trends in Primary Education: A Case of Five Primary Schools in Harare Metropolitan Province, Zimbabwe

Twenty-first Century Teacher Challenges of Emerging Trends in Primary Education: A Case of Five Primary Schools in Harare Metropolitan Province, Zimbabwe

Mildred Shingirirai NyamayedengaUniversity of Rwanda, RwandaEmail: Abstract: The Zimbabwean Primary School Education system in this 21st century caters for the new syllabus which is competence based and requires learners at all levels of education to have an exit profile. This study aims to explore the major challenges that primary school teachers in Zimbabwe face…

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