Category: Vol. 5 Iss. 4

Safety Training and Equipment in Students’ Preparedness for Emergencies in Public Boarding Secondary Schools

Safety Training and Equipment in Students’ Preparedness for Emergencies in Public Boarding Secondary Schools

Lilian Mbodze KarisaRonald KikechiDepartment of Educational Management and Curriculum StudiesMount Kenya University, KenyaCorresponding Author: Abstract: School safety is an important aspect of the teaching and learning process. It is therefore recommendable that educational stakeholders focus on safety of school environment to enhance a conducive study environment for students as a way of fostering both…

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Assessment of Emerging Trends in Technical, Vocational Education and Training Institutions Policies in Relation to Students’ Academic Achievement in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

Assessment of Emerging Trends in Technical, Vocational Education and Training Institutions Policies in Relation to Students’ Academic Achievement in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

Onyango Benard Okelo Dr. Audrey Matere Dr. Justina SyonthiKisii University, KenyaCorresponding Author: Abstract: TVET institutions are experiencing high enrolment, which overwhelms existing infrastructure, insufficient allocation of financial resources by government and other financial institutions, inadequate access and usage of technology, continued use of out-of-date curriculum in TVET courses, as well as mismanagement / misappropriation…

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Effect of Market Alliance on the Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda

Effect of Market Alliance on the Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Rwanda

Charles Nshimiyimana Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business Management The Open University of Tanzania, Tanzania Email: Abstract: The intense competition and constantly changing market conditions in modern-day businesses prompt organizations to adopt in order for them to survive. Due to that microfinances are required to become more proactive and innovative to maintain…

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Clean Energy Community Based Projects and Sustainable Livelihoods in Teso South Sub-County, Busia County, Kenya

Clean Energy Community Based Projects and Sustainable Livelihoods in Teso South Sub-County, Busia County, Kenya

Patrick Obai Emukule, Dr. Michael Mugah Sitawa & Dr. Wilkins Ndege MuhingiThe Catholic University of Eastern AfricaCorresponding author: Abstract: Project sustainability is a vital factor to consider in any project in any part of the world as many development projects have had to close down with exit of donors. This denies stakeholders the realisation…

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The Cost of Telling the Painful Experiences: Family Factors for Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure

The Cost of Telling the Painful Experiences: Family Factors for Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure

Wamuyu Eunice Menja – Population Reproductive Health and Community Resource Management Department, Kenyatta University, KenyaDr. Lucy Kathuri Ogola – Population Reproductive Health and Community Resource Management Department, Kenyatta University, KenyaDr. Joan Kabaria Muriithi – Population Reproductive Health and Community Resource Management Department, Kenyatta University, KenyaDr. Taren Swindle – Family and Preventative Medicine Department, University of…

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The Inter-specific Associations between O. stricta with Woody Plant Species and Elephant Distribution in Tsavo East National Park

The Inter-specific Associations between O. stricta with Woody Plant Species and Elephant Distribution in Tsavo East National Park

Elizabeth Kambua Titus – Kenyatta University, KenyaFrancis Kariuki – Kenyatta University, KenyaDr. Shadrack Ngene – Kenya Wildlife ServiceCorresponding Author : Email: Abstract: Kenya has experienced biological invasions some of which are considered to have significant consequences on the socio-economic status of affected communities. At the ecosystem level, they change community structure and composition. Available…

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The Innovative use of WhatsApp to Teach Academic Communication Skills during the Covid-19 era: Lecturers and Students Experiences

The Innovative use of WhatsApp to Teach Academic Communication Skills during the Covid-19 era: Lecturers and Students Experiences

Dr Mildred Shingirirai NyamayedengaWomen’s University in Africa, Abstract: This study aims to explore lecturers’ and students’ experiences on the innovative use of WhatsApp in the teaching and learning of Academic Communication Skills course during the lockdown period. Covid-19 has brought new challenges to world’s economies, social livelihoods and education. Following recommendations from Ministry of…

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Community Participation and Sustainability of Rural Water Supply Projects in East Africa

Community Participation and Sustainability of Rural Water Supply Projects in East Africa

Esau Murongo – Rwenzori International University, UgandaSeuya Theopista – Tumaini University Makumira, TanzaniaCorresponding author: Abstract: Globally, community participation and sustainability of rural water supply projects has been a major concern. This paper looked at community participation and sustainability of rural water supply projects in East Africa with a focus on Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.…

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MALL and CALL Technologies as Means to Enhance Learning English in Higher Learning Institutions: Challenges and Strategies to Developing Students’ Speaking Skills

MALL and CALL Technologies as Means to Enhance Learning English in Higher Learning Institutions: Challenges and Strategies to Developing Students’ Speaking Skills

Anastasie Uwababyeyi – University of Tourism, Technology and Business Studies, RwandaDr. Jean Paul Ngoboka – University of Rwanda, college of EducationDr. Patrick Ujwiga Anguru – University of Rwanda, college of Education*Corresponding author: Abstract: Many graduates leave Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) incompetent in communication skills in English and fail to successfully compete on the labor…

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Awareness in Application of Assistive Technology in Educational Instruction: A Psychological Perspective for Basic Education Learners with Visual Impairments

Awareness in Application of Assistive Technology in Educational Instruction: A Psychological Perspective for Basic Education Learners with Visual Impairments

Anne Wanjiru Mbugua Prof. Stephen Mbugua Ngari Dr. Elijah Macharia Ndung’uDepartment of Psychology, Catholic University of Eastern AfricaCorresponding Author; Abstract: The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) 2010 posited that between 2-27% of learners in basic education schools in the world suffer from anxiety and self-esteem. This is much higher for the visually impaired…

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