Category: Previous Issues

HIV and AIDS Silence: The Coping Mechanism of the Youth in Poor Households in Kenyan Slums

HIV and AIDS Silence: The Coping Mechanism of the Youth in Poor Households in Kenyan Slums

Urbanus Mwinzi Ndollo, PhD* – Social Work Coordinator, Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Kenya *Corresponding author: Received March 5, 2018; Revised April 4, 2018; Accepted April 11, 2018 Abstract: There is no doubt it is all silent! HIV and AIDS are no longer the threatening health diseases that dominated the local and international daily…

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Integration of Cross-Cutting Concepts in English Language Teaching: An Assessment of Secondary School Teachers’ Awareness in Tanzania

Integration of Cross-Cutting Concepts in English Language Teaching: An Assessment of Secondary School Teachers’ Awareness in Tanzania

Sophia J. Laiser, * Tumaini University Makumira, Arusha, Tanzania. Dr. Apolo Mugyenyi, Tumaini University Makumira, Arusha, Tanzania. *Corresponding author: Received March 5, 2018; Revised April 4, 2018; Accepted April 13, 2018 Abstract: This study sought to assess English language teachers’ awareness in integration of cross cutting concepts into the English language teaching curriculum. The…

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Relationship Between Settlement Type And Caregivers’ Risk Behaviours For Childhood Diarrhoea In Mwanza City, Tanzania

Relationship Between Settlement Type And Caregivers’ Risk Behaviours For Childhood Diarrhoea In Mwanza City, Tanzania

Silas Richard Kabhele, 1* PhD Student, School of Public Health, University of Dodoma, Tanzania. Prof. Inory P. Gesase, PhD, School of Public Health, University of Dodoma. Stephen M. Kibusi, PhD School of Public Health, University of Dodoma, Tanzania. *Corresponding author: Received April 14, 2018; Revised April 26, 2018; Accepted May 7, 2018 Abstract: Diarrhoea,…

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Factors Influencing Effective English-Teacher Composition Feedback Practices in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Factors Influencing Effective English-Teacher Composition Feedback Practices in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Vencie Allida, PhD, Lecturer, School of Education , University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya. Prof. Stella Muchemwa, PhD*, Professor of Language and Communication, Solusi University, Zimbabwe*Corresponding author: Received June 24, 2018; Revised October 24, 2018; Accepted October 30, 2018 Abstract: Teachers’ feedback practice in English composition teaching at secondary school is consciously and unconsciously…

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Fear Mongering and Appeal to the Name of God as Propaganda Techniques in the Kenyan 2013 Presidential Debate

Fear Mongering and Appeal to the Name of God as Propaganda Techniques in the Kenyan 2013 Presidential Debate

John Wanyama Khaisie*, Sheila Wandera Simwa and James Mayaka Gwachi Department of Literary and Communication Studies, Laikipia University, Kenya *Corresponding author: Received October 21, 2018; Revised November 25, 2018; Accepted November 27, 2018 Abstract: Politicians use different types of language to control and direct the way the electorate perceive political issues. The most commonly…

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Perception on Head Teachers’ Delegation of Duties in Secondary Schools of Nandi Central District, Kenya

Perception on Head Teachers’ Delegation of Duties in Secondary Schools of Nandi Central District, Kenya

Dr. Grace Cherutoh Kiptok*, Dr.Fanta Hotamo Hollamo and Prof. Yona Balyage Department of Curriculum and Teaching University of Eastern Africa Baraton, Kenya *Corresponding author: Received: June 26, 2018; Revised October 26, 2018; Accepted November 27, 2018 Abstract: This study sought to determine the perceptions on head teachers’ delegation of duties to deputy head teachers…

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Hegemonic Masculinity in Song Lyrics of Webuye Jua Kali Band, Kenya

Hegemonic Masculinity in Song Lyrics of Webuye Jua Kali Band, Kenya

Jackline Khakasa Muchenje*, Dr. Sheila Wandera-Simwa and Prof. James Ogolla Onyango Laikipia University, Kenya *Corresponding author: Received October 21, 2018; Revised November 25, 2018; Accepted November 29, 2018 Abstract: This paper investigates hegemonic masculinity in the song lyrics of Jua kali band from Webuye, Kenya. Hegemonic masculinity is made up of attributes that define…

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Effect of Education on Sustainable Development in East African Universities: A Case of Two Universities in Uganda and Rwanda

Effect of Education on Sustainable Development in East African Universities: A Case of Two Universities in Uganda and Rwanda

Prof. Dr. Kaaya Siraje* – University of Technology and Arts of Byumba, Rwanda and Henry Stanley Mbowa Kampala University, Uganda *Corresponding author: Received October 17, 2018; Revised November 25, 2018; Accepted November 30, 2018 Abstract: Education is a key resource in society which encourages innovative approaches towards societal transition and sustainability through formal education…

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The Influence of Instructional Media Use on Learners’ English Language Competence: A Case of Secondary Schools in Monduli District, Tanzania

The Influence of Instructional Media Use on Learners’ English Language Competence: A Case of Secondary Schools in Monduli District, Tanzania

Senior Lecturer of Curriculum and Teaching, University of Arusha – MA Student, University of Arusha *Corresponding author: Received December 4, 2018; Revised December 5, 2018; Accepted December 5, 2018 Abstract: Effective learning involves abilities to recall facts as well as comprehension of ideas. While this is true in any subject matter, the learning of…

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The use of Kiswahili Language and Learning Approaches in Classroom Interaction: A Case Study of Secondary Schools in Dodoma, Tanzania

The use of Kiswahili Language and Learning Approaches in Classroom Interaction: A Case Study of Secondary Schools in Dodoma, Tanzania

Tumaini Samweli Mugaya, PhD University of Dodoma, Tanzania *Corresponding author: Received December 5, 2018; Revised December 14, 2018; Accepted December 16, 2018 Abstract: Creating learning approaches on classroom interaction for sustainable learning development among secondary students requires an understanding of proper language to use. This study explored the use of Kiswahili language in line…

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