Category: Current Issue

Teachers’ Perception on the Use of Literature Bibliotherapeutic Interventions in Students’ Bullying in Kenya Public Secondary Schools

Teachers’ Perception on the Use of Literature Bibliotherapeutic Interventions in Students’ Bullying in Kenya Public Secondary Schools

Received August 28, 2019; Revised October 1, 2019, Accepted October 7, 2019 Rose Mavisi, Dr. Gwachi Mayaka and Prof. Wendo Nabea – Laikipia University, Kenya Email: Abstract: In this paper, bullying was taken as a case study in which the efficacy of literature bibliotheraphy and the perceptions of the teachers about it was assessed.…

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Bachelor of Education Programmes Offered in Private Universities in Tanzania within the Framework of the Inter-university Councilof East Africa: Stakeholders’ Eye on Quality of Their Products

Bachelor of Education Programmes Offered in Private Universities in Tanzania within the Framework of the Inter-university Councilof East Africa: Stakeholders’ Eye on Quality of Their Products

Prospery M Mwila – Mwenge Catholic University of Tanzania, Dr. Meremo, J. G. – St Augustine University of TanzaniaCorresponding Author: Received September 5, 2019; Reviewed September 15, 2019; Accepted September 16, 2019 Abstract: This study was to analyze whether there were significant differences in perception of stakeholders on quality of the products of Bachelor…

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Contribution of Village Savings and Loan Association to Economic Empowerment of Women: A Case Study of Stromme Foundation Supported Groups in Terekeka County, South Sudan

Contribution of Village Savings and Loan Association to Economic Empowerment of Women: A Case Study of Stromme Foundation Supported Groups in Terekeka County, South Sudan

Abuni Joseph Mark, Dr. Lydia Mwaura, Rev. Martin Otiende The Catholic University of Eastern Africa,Kenya Received September 4, 2019; Revised September 10, 2019; Accepted September 11, 2019 Abstract:This study set out to assess the contribution of Village Saving and Loan Association to economic empowerment of women in Terekeka County, South Sudan. The key objectives were…

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Teachers’ Attitude towards Utilization of Play in ECDE Curriculum in ECDE Centres in Kericho Sub-County, Kenya

Teachers’ Attitude towards Utilization of Play in ECDE Curriculum in ECDE Centres in Kericho Sub-County, Kenya

Koech Zipporah Mutindi, Dr. Omwenga Ezekiel Nyambega, Dr. Pamela Wadende Kisii University Corresponding Author: Received August 25, 2019; Reviewed September 2, 2019; Accepted September 3, 2019 Abstract: Play strengthens all areas of child development socially, emotionally, physically, cognitively, linguistically and literacy. Statistics in Kericho county show that 90% of ECDE teachers do not fully…

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Teachers Service Commission Sub–sector HIV and AIDS Workplace Policy and Provision of Support Systems in Nairobi County, Kenya

Teachers Service Commission Sub–sector HIV and AIDS Workplace Policy and Provision of Support Systems in Nairobi County, Kenya

Caroline Kioko, Dr. Simon Kang’ethe, Sr. Dr. Elizabeth Nduku The Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Corresponding Author: Received September 23, 2018; Revised August 9, 2019; Accepted August 20, 2019 Abstract: Issues of HIV and AIDS which have been very vocal hitherto are gradually disappearing from media forums, yet prevalence rates are not reducing significantly…

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Implications of Climate Change in Northern Areas of Lake Victoria Basin

Implications of Climate Change in Northern Areas of Lake Victoria Basin

Isiko Mohamed University of Eastern Africa,Baraton, Kenya Received January 31, 2019; Revised August 4, 2019; Accepted August 18, 2019 Abstract: This study assessed the implications of climate change in northern areas of Lake Victoria Basin around Jinja. It was conducted following unsteady temperature and rainfall patterns with unexplained effects and thus no appropriate responses.…

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Pillars to Effective Performance of Health Unit Management Committees (HUMCs) in Eastern Uganda

Pillars to Effective Performance of Health Unit Management Committees (HUMCs) in Eastern Uganda

Muwanguzi David Gangu, Dr. Otieno George Ochieng, Dr. Keneth Rucha Kibaara & Prof. John Francis Mugisha. Department of Health Management and Informatics, Kenyatta University, Kenya. Corresponding author: Received May 15, 2019; Revised August 8, 2019; Accepted August 15, 2019 Abstract: This paper presents the pillars of effective performance of Health Unit Management Committees (HUMCs)…

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Community Engagement to Improve Maternal and Neonatal Health in East – Central Region, Uganda: A Case of Selected Health Facilities

Community Engagement to Improve Maternal and Neonatal Health in East – Central Region, Uganda: A Case of Selected Health Facilities

*Muluya Kharim Mwebaza, Dr. Peter Kithuka, Dr. Rucha Kenneth Kibaara and Prof. John Francis Mugisha Kenyatta University, Kenya and Cavendish University, Uganda *Corresponding author Received May 14, 2019; Revised August 5, 2019; Accepted August 14, 2019 Abstract: This study is about community based maternal/newborn care through included formation of “Local Motorcycle (Boda-boda) Transport System”…

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Training of Health Units Management Committees (HUMCs) and Performance of Health Centers in Eastern Uganda

Training of Health Units Management Committees (HUMCs) and Performance of Health Centers in Eastern Uganda

Muwanguzi David Gangu, Dr. Otieno George Ochieng, Dr. Keneth Rucha Kibaara, Prof. John Francis Mugisha, Muluya Khalim Mwebaza Department of Health Management and Informatics, Kenyatta University, Kenya. Corresponding author: Received May 14, 2019; Revised July 28, 2019; Accepted August 14, 2019 Abstract: Community participation has been emphasized internationally as a way of enhancing accountability,…

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Re-Orienting Teacher Training Curriculum to Reflect Aspirations of Vision 2030, the 2010 Constitution and Competency Based Curriculum in Kenya for Sustainable Development

Re-Orienting Teacher Training Curriculum to Reflect Aspirations of Vision 2030, the 2010 Constitution and Competency Based Curriculum in Kenya for Sustainable Development

By Dr. Areba George Ngwacho Kisii University, Kenya. Email: Received June 30, 2019; Revised September 18; Accepted September 29, 2019 Abstract: The impact of globalization has been felt in Kenya, especially in education, just like the other parts of the world. Education, especially teacher education and development, is tasked to address itself to the…

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