Author: JRIIE

Influence of Home Environment on Academic Performance in Primary Schools in Nyagachi Zone, Nyamira County, Kisii

Influence of Home Environment on Academic Performance in Primary Schools in Nyagachi Zone, Nyamira County, Kisii

Tiesoi Elkanah Nyamwaya, Ezekiel Nyambega Omwenga, Enock Meshack ObubaKisii University, KenyaCorresponding Author: Received August 24, 2020; Revised August 26, 2020; Accepted September 1, 2020 Abstract: The Kenyan Government is keen that its learners gain entry to basic education as evidenced in the gazettement of free primary education programme. The Education sector continues to face…

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Effects of Microcredit Initiatives on Women Empowerment: A Case of Catholic Women Association in Laikipia County, Kenya

Effects of Microcredit Initiatives on Women Empowerment: A Case of Catholic Women Association in Laikipia County, Kenya

Peterson Thumi Kabugi – Laikipia University, KenyaJames Karori Kariuki – Egerton University, Kenya Corresponding Author: Received August 1, 2020; Revised August 26; Accepted August 28, 2020 Abstract: Poverty and dependency rate have remained high in developing nations, despite the governments promoting gender. The study sought to investigate the effect of microcredit initiatives on women…

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Stakeholder’s Monitoring Interventions and Online Child Abuse among Primary School Children in Langata Subcounty, Kenya

Stakeholder’s Monitoring Interventions and Online Child Abuse among Primary School Children in Langata Subcounty, Kenya

Wilkins Ndege Muhingi – The Catholic University of Eastern AfricaJohnson Nzau Mavole – The Catholic University of Eastern AfricaMumo Nzau – University of NairobiCorresponding Author: Received August 18, 2020; Revised August 25, 2020; Accepted August 26, 2020 Abstract: Children spend time online yet this is associated with risks and opportunities. The objective of this…

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Innovative Approaches to the Co-production of Climate Services in Rwanda

Innovative Approaches to the Co-production of Climate Services in Rwanda

Livingstone Byandaga – International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), RwandaPatrick Gatsinzi – Adventist University of Central Africa, KigaliCorresponding Author: Received May 17, 2020; Revised August 23, 2020; Accepted August 24, 2020 Abstract: Climate change and variability is associated with increase in uncertainties, more frequent droughts and intense flooding, windstorms and disease outbreaks. These climatic…

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Is Internationalization of Higher Education the Way to Go?

Is Internationalization of Higher Education the Way to Go?

Josephine Oranga, Eliud Nyakundi & Enock ObubaKisii University, KenyaCorresponding Author: Received July 27, 2020; Revised August 21, 2020; Accepted August 23, 2020 Abstract: Internalisation of higher education has become the trend in higher education yet not many studies have focused on the risks and challenges that may arise from the phenomenon. This paper points…

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Students Self-Efficacies Influence on the Attainment of KCSE Targets in Public Secondary School in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya

Students Self-Efficacies Influence on the Attainment of KCSE Targets in Public Secondary School in Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya

Julius Moses Mambili – Doctoral student, Kisii University, Kenya. Dr. George N. Areba – Department of Educational Administration planning and Economics, Kisii University, Kenya. Dr. Gisore N. Billiah – Department of Educational Psychology, Kisii University, KenyaCorresponding Author: Received August 5, 2020; Revised December 10, 2020; Accepted December 20, 2020 Abstract: The attainment of students…

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Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Correlates of Academic Underachievement in Public Primary Schools in Iganga District, Uganda

Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Correlates of Academic Underachievement in Public Primary Schools in Iganga District, Uganda

Waiswa Mark Michael & Benson Kinuthia – University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, Kenya Received July 16, 2020; Revised July 29, 2020; Accepted July 31, 2020 Abstract: This study investigated stakeholder’s perspectives on the cause of academic underachievement in public primary schools comparing views of the different stakeholders in Iganga District. The objective was to relate…

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Effect of Principals’ Practices of Transformational Leadership on Management of School Financial Resources in Public Secondary Schools of Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya

Effect of Principals’ Practices of Transformational Leadership on Management of School Financial Resources in Public Secondary Schools of Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya

Kenneth M. Sabwami – Doctoral student, Kisii University, Kenya, Dr. George N. Areba – Department of Educational Administration planning and Economics, Kisii University, Kenya. Prof Elizabeth Abenga – Department of Curriculum and Instructional Technology, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, KenyaCorresponding Author: Received July 24, 2020; Revised November 30, 2020; Accepted November 31,…

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A Survey of Teacher-counsellors’ Competence in Using Selected Grief Counselling Approaches in Public Secondary Schools in Kisii County, Kenya

A Survey of Teacher-counsellors’ Competence in Using Selected Grief Counselling Approaches in Public Secondary Schools in Kisii County, Kenya

Dr. Grace Atemi Ondieki & Dr. Zacharia O. MokuaKisii University, KenyaCorresponding Author: Received July 26, 2020; Revised July 28, 2020; Accepted July 30, 2020 Abstract: Grief is an occurrence which is emotive both to the client and the therapist. If it is not given a suitable approach, the client may be hurt instead of…

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Towards a New Model of Internal Quality Assurance for Ugandan Universities

Towards a New Model of Internal Quality Assurance for Ugandan Universities

Charles Eryenyu – Busitema University, Uganda, Prof. Seppo Holta – Higher Education Group, University of Tampere, Finland, Prof. Proscovia Namubiru Ssentamu – Head Quality Assurance Department, Uganda Management InstituteCorresponding Author: Received July 14, 2020; Revised July 24, 2020; Accepted July 24, 2020 Abstract: The purpose of this research was to determine how academic staff…

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