Assessing the Status of Educational Resources in Rural Public Secondary Schools in Misungwi District, Tanzania
Beatrice E. Pamela – Misungwi Municipal
Prospery M. Mwila – St. Augustine University of Tanzania
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Abstract: Every society’s quality is largely determined by the quality of its educational system. Given the apparent constraints on educational resources, the importance of maximizing their efficient utilization for maximum academic results cannot be overstated. This study assessed the status of educational resources in rural public secondary schools in Misungwi District, Tanzania. It was guided by three specific objectives: to examine available educational resources used in teaching and learning process, to determine the distribution of educational resources in teaching and learning process and to assess the relationship between effective management of educational resources and teaching and learning process outcomes. The mixed research approach and explanatory research design was used. The sample comprised of 3117 participants including 4 heads of schools, 208 teachers, 2900 students, 4 Ward Executive Officers and 1 District Educational Officer. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect data. Validity was ensured through content validation by research experts. Reliability was r = 0.82 ensured through test–retest. Quantitative data were analysed by descriptive statistics while qualitative data were analysed thematically. A synthesis of the findings indicated that educational resources are available in rural secondary schools. The results also indicated that there is a relationship between distribution of educational resources and teaching and learning process as confirmed by correlation statistics; r=0.86. The study concludes that educational resources are available but are not well managed in teaching and learning process. Therefore, proper mechanism of ensuring the management and utilization of educational resources should be put in place.

One Reply to “Assessing the Status of Educational Resources in Rural Public Secondary Schools in Misungwi District, Tanzania”
Good work. Thanks