The Effectiveness of Debate in Developing English Communication Skills among Secondary Students in Burera District, Rwanda
Neza Jean D’Amour & Elizabeth A. Owino
University of Kigali
Abstract: This study investigated how well debate works as a teaching method to help students in Burera district, Rwanda communicate in English. This study’s primary goal was to evaluate how well debate might enhance English communication skills in Burera district, Rwanda. Additionally, the study took into account the particular Rwanda educational setting. Data was gathered from Burera district students, using mixed-method research design. All secondary school students in the Burera District were the study’s target group. Purposive sampling was used in the study to choose a sample of secondary school students because not all schools have active and functioning English clubs and determine the precise number of students enrolled in English club only 143 students who were chosen from schools with functioning English clubs and random sampling were used to determine the group that are not among English clubs. Descriptive design and experimental design were used and both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed and questionnaire, debate tests and observation were usedas data collection methods. The findings were analysed using SPSS 21. The findings indicate that debate significantly improves students’ speaking skills, argumentation abilities and engagement in language learning.