Influence of Overstay Transfer on Principals’ Administrative Performance in West Pokot Sub County, Kenya

Influence of Overstay Transfer on Principals’ Administrative Performance in West Pokot Sub County, Kenya

Philomena Ng’urasia, Benjamin Kyalo Wambua & Emily Bomet
Department of Educational Management and Policy Studies
School of Education, Moi University

Abstract: Ideally, transfer of secondary school principals is a common practice in many educational systems, with the aim of improving the overall performance of schools. However, the influence of these transfers on the administrative performance of schools is not fully understood. The transfer of principals may result in changes in leadership, management styles, and organizational cultures, which may either positively or negatively impact administrative performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of overstay transfer on Principals administrative performance. The study targeted 31 principals and 31 deputy principals of public secondary schools in West Pokot Sub County. The study employed simple census sampling to obtain a sample size of 31 principals and their deputies making a total of 62 respondents. Purposive sampling was employed to select the Sub County Director. Quantitative Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Qualitative data was analyzed under themes, sub-themes and categories. The findings from this study revealed that overstay transfer showed a negative influence on principals’ administrative performance (r =.-681; p = .000). The study recommended that the management of the schools should make adequate arrangements for the head teachers and during induction in their new places of work. Further, the schools should provide social amenities for the teaching staff and that there is need for more information sharing among the stakeholders on the developments in teacher retention and transfer requests by schools so that the suitable replacements can be made in good time.

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