Challenges of Church-State Collaborations in Management of Catholic Church Sponsored Public Secondary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya

Challenges of Church-State Collaborations in Management of Catholic Church Sponsored Public Secondary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya

Aggrey Asitiba Okutu – Kisii University
Winston Jumba Akala – Koitalel Samoei University College
Marcella Momanyi – Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Abstract: This study investigated the challenges of collaboration between the Kenya Government and Catholic Church in management of Catholic Church-sponsored public secondary schools in Nandi County. Objectives of this study were to find out: the challenges that the collaborators (Catholic Church and State) were experiencing in managing Catholic Church-sponsored public secondary schools; and how the Collaborative Management roles between the Government and the Catholic Church could be enhanced in Catholic Church-Sponsored Public Secondary Schools in Nandi County. The study employed descriptive survey research design. Its target population included all Catholic Church-sponsored public secondary schools found in Nandi County, all Principals and teachers of these schools and their Parents Associations’ Chairpersons. It also included all the Sub-County Directors of Education, all Catholic Fathers in-Charge in Nandi Deanery and the Diocesan Education Secretary of Catholic Diocese of Eldoret. It used stratified, purposive and simple random sampling procedures to select its sample. It used Questionnaires and Semi-Structured Interview Schedules to collect data. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, while qualitative data was analyzed thematically. The study found out that these two partners were experiencing several challenges in their shared responsibility of managing these schools which included: mistrust; failure to consult widely; open protests by the Catholic Church; among others. It recommended that: Catholic Church and Government should organize regular workshops and seminars for BOM members, to acquaint them with the current School Management issues; and there was need to form a conflict resolution mechanism for resolving amicably the disagreements between these two partners.

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