Church-State Collaboration in Management of Catholic Church Sponsored Public Secondary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya

Church-State Collaboration in Management of Catholic Church Sponsored Public Secondary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya

Aggrey Asitiba Okutu – Kisii University
Winston Jumba Akala – Koitalel Samoei University College
Marcella Momanyi – Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Abstract: This study investigated the collaboration between the Kenya Government and Catholic Church in management of Catholic Church-sponsored public secondary schools in Nandi County, Kenya. Its research questions were: (1) In what ways do the Catholic Church and the Kenya Government conduct their shared managerial roles in Catholic Church-sponsored public secondary schools in Nandi County? (2) How do the Catholic Church and Government’s collaborative management activities influence curriculum implementation in the schools? A descriptive survey research design was used to guide the study. The target population of the study included all Catholic Church-sponsored public secondary schools found in Nandi County, all Principals and teachers of these schools and their PTA Chairpersons. It also included all the Sub-County Directors of Education, all Catholic Fathers in-Charge in Nandi Deanery and the Diocesan Education Secretary of Catholic Diocese of Eldoret. Stratified, purposive and simple random sampling procedures were used to select a representative sample. Questionnaires and Semi-Structured Interview Schedules were used to collect data. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study established that the Government and the Catholic Church played participative role in school management. It recommended that: wider consultations between the Catholic Church and TSC need to be done prior to agreeing on who should head a particular school; Catholic Church should second competent people in Board of Management; both parties should support poor and bright students in these schools; and they should strive to provide enough teachers to these schools.

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