Technical Detailed Study on Hydraform Blocks Building Technology in Kigali City, Rwanda

Technical Detailed Study on Hydraform Blocks Building Technology in Kigali City, Rwanda

Bonaventure Nkiranuye & Jeannine Mutijima
ULK Polytechnic Institute, Department of Civil Engineering, Rwanda

Abstract: This study provided an in-depth examination of hydraform block building technology in Kigali City, Rwanda, through comprehensive engagement with various construction industry stakeholders. The study employed convergent parallel design through mixed research approach, characterized by an impressive participation rate of 87% for questionnaires and 83% for interviews, captured diverse professional insights, including those of architects and quantity surveyors. The inclusion of individuals with varied educational backgrounds and experience levels further enriches the findings, offering a broad understanding of the technology’s implications. Highlighting the potential benefits for lower to middle-class housing, the study also addressed challenges such as skilled labor shortages and the need for better awareness. Laboratory tests confirmed the superior strength and cost-effectiveness of hydraform blocks compared to traditional concrete cement blocks, although the study’s scope was limited to Kigali.

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