Current Issue

Lydia Muthili KimanziTangaza UniversityEmail: lydiamuthili@yahoo.com Abstract: Academic dishonesty is a growing concern in secondary schools globally, and Kenya is no exception. This study investigated the influence of study habits on academic dishonesty among secondary school students in Makueni County, Kenya. This study was informed by Psychosocial Dynamic Theory and Theory of Planned Behaviour. The investigator used mixed method concurrent triangulation model that combined linear regression model and phenomenology. The targeted populace for the study was 79,122 participants consisting of 75,000 students, 3,865 teachers, 250 principals, 6 SCDEs and 1 CDE. The researcher used stratified sampling technique to select schools participating […]
Eric Hakizimana & Ronald KwenaUniversity of KigaliEmail: hakizieric@gmail.com Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of the project environment on the success of peat power plant projects in Rwanda, with a particular focus on the role of project governance policies. The study employed a descriptive research design, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. The target population consisted of 267 professionals directly involved in the projects, including project managers, agronomists, engineers, environmentalists, and government officials. A total of 245 questionnaires were distributed, and 22 key informants were interviewed. Of the 245 distributed questionnaires, 186 were returned. Inferential analysis was conducted using SPSS […]
Lilly Chepkoech Marisin, Josphine Oranga & Esther BitokSchool of Education and Human Resource DevelopmentKisii University, KenyaEmail: lychepmar@gmail.com Abstract: Reading is an important literacy skill that needs to be established in early years of learning, yet many learners across the world, including Kenya, continue to struggle with reading. The input of the teacher in imparting reading skills is critically important. It is tenable that teachers’ characteristics have a role. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the teachers’ level of motivation on the learners’ acquisition of reading skills in pre-primary. The study was conducted in Belgut, Kericho […]
Agness Kamphete, Lerisha Msowoya, Christopher Kalima PhiriAgriculture Department, LakeView College, Malawi Adventist University, MalawiEmail: msowoyal@mau.adventist.org Abstract: Mycotoxins such as aflatoxin have a great effect on both nutrition and economic activities. In the food supply chain, these need to be controlled by training farmers in the post-harvest handling of the crop hence improving the exports as well as nutrition impact. Grain crops are the most prone to the aflatoxin challenge. As one way of disseminating information on aflatoxin in malted maize and finger millet, random sampling was done on selected malt sellers of the two crops at Msundwe market under Mpingu […]
Jacqueline Mbabazi & Ruth OdengoUniversity of KigaliEmail: jmbabazi19@gmail.com Abstract: This study explores the impact of individual goal setting on employee performance at World Vision International Rwanda (WVIR). A descriptive research design combining both quantitative and qualitative methods was employed. The target population consisted of 136 employees, with data collected using a census method, capturing responses from all members of the target population. Inferential analysis was conducted using SPSS software version 21. The findings revealed a strong positive correlation between individual goal setting and employee performance, with a Pearson correlation coefficient of r =0.700, indicating a significant relationship. Regression analysis further […]
Sally ChumoSchool of EducationUniversity of EldoretEmail: sallychumo@yahoo.com Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the effect of teacher training on the implementation of inclusive education in public primary schools in Nandi County, Kenya. The study focused on a sample of 376 respondents, including 62 headteachers, 308 teachers, and 6 Sub-County Directors of Education, selected through stratified, simple random, and purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected through questionnaires for headteachers and teachers, and interviews for Sub-County Directors of Education. The study employed both descriptive and inferential statistics, with multiple regression analysis used to test the hypotheses concerning the relationship between teacher training […]
Asuma Mariita Nchaga & Murongo EsauKampala International University, UgandaEmail: corneliusasuma@gmail.com Abstract: This paper investigated the effects of parental functioning on career path selection of University students in Kisumu City, Kisumu County, Kenya. A descriptive survey design was used in the study. The study respondents were 10690 as the target population and a sample of 371 participants were selected using Krejcie and Morgan (1970) formula. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data using SPSS version 24. Results revealed that 92.1% variation in career path selection among university students is explained by parental functioning. The results indicated that 7.9% variation […]
Lerisha Nthala – Department of Human Nutrition and Health, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources.– Agriculture Department, Lake View College, Malawi Adventist University.Beatrice Mtimuni – Department of Human Nutrition and Health, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesAlexander kalimbira – Department of Human Nutrition and Health, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesTimothy Gondwe – Department of Human Nutrition and Health, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesChristopher Kalima Phiri – Agriculture Department, Lake View College, Malawi Adventist University Email: msowoyal@mau.adventist.org Abstract: Malnutrition remains a significant issue among under-five children in Malawi, with a prevalence of 47% stunting, despite […]
Stanley Kipchumba, Dennis Mamboleo & Lumayo Mildred FedhaDepartment of Sociology, Gender and Development StudiesKisii University, KenyaEmail: skipchumba22@gmail.com Abstract: Food insecurity remains a significant challenge, particularly for rural households that rely on agriculture as their primary source of livelihood. Despite various efforts to address this issue, many households continue to struggle with inadequate food production, poor resource management, and a lack of sustainable agricultural practices. This study investigated the influence of literacy empowerment programs on sustainable household food security in Baringo County. Using a cross-sectional research design, the study employed mixed methods to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. A total […]
Stanley Kipchumba, Mildred Lumayo Fedha & Dennis MamboleoDepartment of Sociology, Gender and Development StudiesKisii University, KenyaEmail: skipchumba22@gmail.com Abstract: Women play a critical role in agricultural activities, yet their contributions to household food security are often undervalued and under-supported. Despite their central involvement in food production, women are frequently excluded from key decision-making processes related to agriculture and food security. This study investigated the effect of women’s participation in agriculture on sustainable household food security in Baringo County. The research aimed to explore how women’s involvement in agricultural activities impacts food security outcomes at the household level. The study adopted a […]
Mbakania Joseph – Uganda Martyrs University, Bundibugyo District Local Government.Blasio Bisereko Bwambale – Uganda Martyrs University, Rwenzori International University, Busitema University.Sseremba Godfrey – National Agriculture Research Organization Email: mbakaniajoseumu@gmail.com/ bblasie.bb@gmail.com/ gsseremba16@mail.com Abstract: The Black Coffee Twig Borer (BCTB) (Xylosandrus compactus) is a significant pest affecting coffee and cocoa in Uganda, exacerbated by bio-ecological factors and inadequate field and crop management. Its presence threatens coffee and cocoa production, necessitating comprehensive, sustainable mitigation efforts. This study, conducted in Bundibugyo District, aimed to assess BCTB incidence in selected host crops, evaluate farmer awareness of ecofriendly management practices, anddetermine the effectiveness of these practices. […]
Annah Moyo & Sinikiwe MapangisanaFaculty of EducationMidlands State University, ZimbabweEmail: Moyoan@staff.msu.ac.zw/ mapangisanas@staff.msu.ac.zw Abstract: Vehemence is largely an extreme human attribute, hence not new to Africa. However, violence is culturally relative, determined and handled. This means that culture is at the epicenter of gender instituted violence and schemes that curtail or control it. A people’s epistemologies, metaphysics and cosmology are central to their behavior, notion of sexuality and gender relations. Africa is therefore a relatively unique grouping of humanity that has a unique philosophy and world view, tendencies, attributes, behaviors and conceptualization of gender and gender relations. This paper therefore explores […]
Aline Niyonizera & Samuel WabalaUniversity of KigaliEmail: akaline103@gmail.com Abstract: This paper explores the effect of Project Total Quality Management (TQM) on road construction performance in Karongi District, with a specific focus on evaluating the impact of quality control planning on road construction projects. Anchored on TQM Theory, the study employed descriptive research design, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative approaches. A census method was used, with a sample size of 129 respondents, and purposive sampling was applied for data collection. Data was gathered through questionnaires and interviews, and analyzed using SPSS Version 21, with findings presented through descriptive statistics. The results […]
Joan Kasilima & Michael KadigiDepartment of Policy Planning and ManagementSokoine University of Agriculture, TanzaniaEmail: joankasilima@yahoo.com/ michaelkadigi@yahoo.com Abstract: This study employs a quasi-experimental design to examine the influence of the school environment on pupils’ learning outcomes within the Unlock Literacy Program in Handeni District. Data from 200 pupil respondents were collected through surveys and key informant interviews with teachers. The analysis utilized STATA 17 software for descriptive statistics to assess educational infrastructure and resources and ordinal regression to evaluate the school environment’s impact on pupil learning outcomes. The findings indicate significant disparities in access to infrastructure and resources between treatment and […]
Joel Mugabo & Ruth OdengoUniversity of KigaliEmail: Joelmugabo@gmail.com Abstract: This study examines the impact of stakeholder engagement in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) on the performance of the Post-Harvest and Agribusiness Support Project (PASP) in Kamonyi District, Rwanda. The research explores how effective stakeholder involvement in M&E practices influences key project outcomes, including the timely identification of issues, resource management, and overall project success. Employing a descriptive research design with a mixed-methods approach, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The target population comprised 196 respondents, including MINAGRI staff, rural project staff, technicians, and government officials managing PASP. Convenience sampling and […]
Nadia Umutoni & Ronald KwenaUniversity of KigaliEmail: umutoninananadia@gmail.com Abstract: This study investigates the effect of Project Life Cycle Management (PLCM) on the performance of the Learning Through Play (LTP) Project in Bugesera District, Rwanda. Specifically, the study evaluates the impact of project identification on the overall project performance in Bugesera District. Anchored in Project Management Theory, the study employed correlational and descriptive research designs, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative methods. A sample of 138 respondents was surveyed, with data collected through questionnaires and interviews. SPSS Version 23.0 was used to analyze the data, with findings presented using descriptive statistics, correlation […]
Edith Njoroge 0000-0002-1557-6366, Anne Muiru 0000-0003-0232-8096 & Benson Njoroge 0009-0003-4607-2317School of Education, Mount Kenya University – Thika, KenyaEmail: njorogedithi37@gmail.com Abstract: The Kenyan system of learning has heavily been reliant on examination results. Performance at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education in Kiambu County over the years has been dismal. Despite the fact that most national schools are located in the County and consistently achieve excellent KCSE results, the 2022 KCSE analysis reveals that more than 50% of the 261 secondary schools in the County posted a mean standard score of less than 3.0. Thus, the current study was guided by a […]
Winfrida Justo Mbowe – Arusha Technical College Elizabeth Swai – Mwenge Catholic University, Tanzania Email: winfrida.mbowe@atc.ac.tz/ elizabeth.sing92@gmail.com Abstract: For the past decade social media usage has tremendously increased. Despite the growth, it is still unclear how the use of social media platforms affects the choice of students in Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania. Therefore, the mainpurpose of this study was to examine the extent to which factors affecting social media usage in students’ selection of study programs in Higher Learning Institutions. The study was conducted on two higher Learning Institutions namely Moshi Cooperative University (MOCU) and Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU) […]
Modeste Niyihaba & Mburamatare Daniel University of Kigali Email: niyimode3030@gmail.com Abstract: This study explores the influence of community engagement on the performance of the Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC) project in Bugesera District, Rwanda. It employs the Theory of Social Change, Stakeholder Theory, and Resource-Based View as its theoretical framework. The research specifically examines how community engagement in project planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) impacts the overall performance of WASAC projects in the region. A descriptive research design was employed, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample consisted of 292 respondents selected from a population of 2,356 […]
Gift Muke Kazika – https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2264-753X Department of Mathematics Education, Mansa College of Education, Mansa, Zambia Priestly Malambo – https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6652-46971 Department of Mathematics & Science Education, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia Email: giftkazika70@gmail.com Abstract: The integration of computer technologies in mathematics education can equip learners with the essential skills needed to succeed in the information and technology age. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Excel Assisted Instruction (EAI) in teaching statistics for learners’ acquisition of 21st century skills (21CS). The research was conducted with Grade 11 learners at Mwense Secondary School in Luapula Province, Zambia. An embedded quasi-experimental design […]
William George Malugu, Shuubi Alphonce Mutajwaa & Matendo DidasCenter of Information and Communication TechnologySt. John’s University of TanzaniaEmail: mdidas@sjut.ac.tz Abstract: Usability is a key factor in the quality of the product, which includes ease of use, user satisfaction, and the ability of the user to understand the product without practice quickly. As smartphone usage increases, most organizations have shifted their services to mobile applications, such as mobile banking. However, it is crucial to evaluate the security of user authentication and determine how, in a heuristic, user-friendly setting, security features in mobile banking applications can affect different parts of the industry. […]
Jacinta Wanjiku Kimani – Pan Africa Christian University, KenyaElizabeth W. Kamau – Pan Africa Christian University, KenyaWilkins Ndege Muhingi – Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and TechnologyEmail: jkimani.njogu@gmail.com Abstract: An individual’s experience in early childhood has far-reaching implications on life outcomes in later adulthood, including marital life. This study focused on parental heritage and its impact on the offspring’s marital stability development process. Specifically, the study examined the effect of parents’ values, parent-child relationship, and the quality of parents’ relationships on marital stability on marital stability among married individuals in Deliverance Churches International-Kenya (DCI-K), Kasarani Sub- County – Nairobi, Kenya. […]
Mary Mugwe ChuiSchool of Education, Mount Kenya UniversityEmail: mugwemary01@gmail.com Abstract: Learning institutions have started using artificial intelligence applications to enhance the management of training programs. However, many technical and vocational training institutions in Nairobi County face challenges such as low trainee engagement, difficulties with industrial attachments, wasted instructional time, and poor communication. Therefore, this study aimed to explore how artificial intelligence applications can serve as catalysts for managing training programs in public TVETs in Nairobi County, Kenya. The research employed a mixed methodology, utilizing a concurrent triangulation design. The target population included 4,080 respondents, consisting of 36 Deans of Schools, […]
Albertine Tuyizere & Samuel WabalaUniversity of Kigali, RwandaEmail: tizere21@gmail.com Abstract: This study investigates the impact of resource allocation on the performance of housing construction projects in Rubirizi, Rwanda. Utilizing a descriptive research design, the study examines how effective resource planning, scheduling, tracking, and utilization contribute to project success. The research is grounded in the Resource-Based View (RBV) theory and contingency theory, emphasizing the importance of leveraging valuable, rare, and inimitable resources to gain a competitive advantage. The sample comprised 128 respondents from various construction companies and regulatory authorities in Rwanda, selected using purposive sampling. Data was collected using structured questionnaires […]

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