Current Issue

Exploring Various Types of Student Disruptive Behaviors That Create Classroom Disturbances in Public Primary Schools in Mvomero District, Tanzania
Exploring Various Types of Student Disruptive Behaviors That Create Classroom Disturbances in Public Primary Schools in Mvomero District, Tanzania

Sancho Edward Tumbo & Omer Solomon W.Jordan University CollegeA Constituent College of St. Augustine University of TanzaniaEmail: tumbosancho2@gmail.com Abstract: The study explored disruptive student behaviors that create classroom disturbances in public primary schools in Mvomero District Tanzania. This study employed mixed research approaches under a convergent research design with a sample size of 36 participants obtained through a purposive sampling technique in which 6 Heads of public primary schools and 30 regular public primary teachers were involved in the study. Data were collected through a closed-ended questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Collected data were analyzed through thematic analysis for qualitative data, […]

Internal University Organizing Management Function in Promoting Knowledge Economy Practices in Tanzania
Internal University Organizing Management Function in Promoting Knowledge Economy Practices in Tanzania

Martha Mkasafari Shio, Wilson Eduan & Mary KagoireSchool of EducationUganda Christian UniversityEmail: mkasashio.shio@gmail.com Abstract: This study investigated the internal management practices of Tanzanian universities in organizing and promoting knowledge economy (KE) practices. As universities shift from traditional, autonomous roles to more strategic organizational processes, they are restructuring their operations to enhance effectiveness, competitiveness, and relevance in the knowledge-based economy. The research, aligned with an interpretive research philosophy, focuses on how universities manage and organize activities that support knowledge creation, dissemination, and application. The study targeted key university management figures, including Directors of Research, Deans, Heads of Departments, and Coordinators, selecting […]

Breaking Barriers: Examining the Participation of Female Students in the Student Representative Council at a Public University in Zimbabwe
Breaking Barriers: Examining the Participation of Female Students in the Student Representative Council at a Public University in Zimbabwe

Gracious Mupupuni, Clara Kunakahakudyiwi, Viola Munesi & Adija MuchengaUniversity of ZimbabweEmail: mupupunigracious119@gmail.com Abstract: Gender parity in leadership, including student governance structures at institutions of higher learning, remains a challenge globally, especially in Africa, and Zimbabwe in particular. This study examines factors influencing the representation of female students in the Student Representative Council (SRC) at a public university in Zimbabwe. A survey design was employed and semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Descriptive statistics and thematic analyses were used to analyse data. Less than half of the respondents opined that women are adequately represented in the […]

Perceived Human Resource Management Practices and Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Government-Aided Secondary Schools in Mbarara City, Uganda
Perceived Human Resource Management Practices and Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Government-Aided Secondary Schools in Mbarara City, Uganda

Elizabeth MirembeMbarara University of Science and Technology, UgandaEmail: elizabethmirembemugisha@gmail.com Abstract: The study evaluated teachers’ perceptions of Human Resource Management procedures and their level of job satisfaction in Mbarara City’s government-aided secondary schools. Government policies formed the basis of Human Resource Management Practices in government-aided schools, which varied primarily depending on whether the Human Resource Management Practice was run by the Board of Governors of the school or the Ministry of Education and Sports. There are several similarities and divergences in the way various human resource management approaches are implemented. Pay policies differed according to the school’s revenue level, the subjects […]

Challenges of Physical and Home Environment on Quality Learning of Grade 6 Learners in Public Primary Schools in West Pokot County, Kenya
Challenges of Physical and Home Environment on Quality Learning of Grade 6 Learners in Public Primary Schools in West Pokot County, Kenya

Plapan, L. J. Cheruto – Kisii UniversityOkutu, A. Aggrey – Kisii UniversitySituma, J. – Koitalel Samoei University CollegeEmail: iacne@yahoo.com Abstract: West Pokot County faces a lot of challenges, both physical and home environment which affects provision of quality learning to primary school learners. This study aimed at finding out how these environmental factors hindered provision of quality learning of grade 6 learners in public primary schools in West Pokot County. Its objectives were to find out: how physical environment affected provision of quality learning in Public Primary Schools in West Pokot County and how home environment hindered quality learning. Its […]

Challenges of Implementing the Selected Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Promoting Students’ Academic Performance in Primary Schools in Mvomero District, Tanzania
Challenges of Implementing the Selected Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Promoting Students’ Academic Performance in Primary Schools in Mvomero District, Tanzania

Salmin Jabir & Kassimu A. NihukaFaculty of EducationJordan University College, TanzaniaEmail: salminjabir8@gmail.com Abstract: This study examined the Challenges of implementing the selected KPIs in promoting student academic performance, using a mixed research approach with data from 60 participants, including teachers, head teachers, and a district education officer. Simple random and purposive sampling were used to select the sample. For the quantitative component, a descriptive design was employed to analyze the implementation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in enhancing students’ academic performance. The qualitative part of the study utilized hermeneutic phenomenology, based on Heidegger’s philosophy, to explore participants’ lived experiences and […]

Influence of School Development Plan Implementation on Students’ Academic Performance in Dodoma City Secondary Schools, Tanzania
Influence of School Development Plan Implementation on Students’ Academic Performance in Dodoma City Secondary Schools, Tanzania

Gideon Luhamo Lesilwa & Kassimu A.NihukaJordan University College, TanzaniaEmail: gideonlesilwa750@gmail.com Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the influence of school development plan implementation on students’ academic performance in Dodoma City Secondary Schools, Tanzania. The study was guided by three research concerns: The implementation of the School Development Plan in Dodoma city secondary schools. the perception of heads of schools on the influence of SDP on academic performance and the contributions of SDP influence on students’ academic performance. A sample of 353 respondents were involved in filling out the questionnaire, and doing interview, Documentation method and observation. Data was coded using […]

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Exploring Various Types of Student Disruptive Behaviors That Create Classroom Disturbances in Public Primary Schools in Mvomero District, Tanzania
Internal University Organizing Management Function in Promoting Knowledge Economy Practices in Tanzania
Breaking Barriers: Examining the Participation of Female Students in the Student Representative Council at a Public University in Zimbabwe
Perceived Human Resource Management Practices and Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Government-Aided Secondary Schools in Mbarara City, Uganda
Challenges of Physical and Home Environment on Quality Learning of Grade 6 Learners in Public Primary Schools in West Pokot County, Kenya
Challenges of Implementing the Selected Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Promoting Students’ Academic Performance in Primary Schools in Mvomero District, Tanzania
Influence of School Development Plan Implementation on Students’ Academic Performance in Dodoma City Secondary Schools, Tanzania
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