Current Issue

Influence of Students’ Study Habits on Academic Dishonesty in Public Secondary Schools in Makueni County, Kenya
Influence of Students’ Study Habits on Academic Dishonesty in Public Secondary Schools in Makueni County, Kenya

Lydia Muthili KimanziTangaza UniversityEmail: lydiamuthili@yahoo.com Abstract: Academic dishonesty is a growing concern in secondary schools globally, and Kenya is no exception. This study investigated the influence of study habits on academic dishonesty among secondary school students in Makueni County, Kenya. This study was informed by Psychosocial Dynamic Theory and Theory of Planned Behaviour. The investigator used mixed method concurrent triangulation model that combined linear regression model and phenomenology. The targeted populace for the study was 79,122 participants consisting of 75,000 students, 3,865 teachers, 250 principals, 6 SCDEs and 1 CDE. The researcher used stratified sampling technique to select schools participating […]

Effect of Project Environment on Success of Peat Power Plant Projects in Rwanda
Effect of Project Environment on Success of Peat Power Plant Projects in Rwanda

Eric Hakizimana & Ronald KwenaUniversity of KigaliEmail: hakizieric@gmail.com Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of the project environment on the success of peat power plant projects in Rwanda, with a particular focus on the role of project governance policies. The study employed a descriptive research design, combining both quantitative and qualitative methods. The target population consisted of 267 professionals directly involved in the projects, including project managers, agronomists, engineers, environmentalists, and government officials. A total of 245 questionnaires were distributed, and 22 key informants were interviewed. Of the 245 distributed questionnaires, 186 were returned. Inferential analysis was conducted using SPSS […]

Teachers’ Motivation and Its Influence on Acquisition of Reading Skills among Pre-Primary Pupils in Belgut, Kericho County, Kenya
Teachers’ Motivation and Its Influence on Acquisition of Reading Skills among Pre-Primary Pupils in Belgut, Kericho County, Kenya

Lilly Chepkoech Marisin, Josphine Oranga & Esther BitokSchool of Education and Human Resource DevelopmentKisii University, KenyaEmail: lychepmar@gmail.com Abstract: Reading is an important literacy skill that needs to be established in early years of learning, yet many learners across the world, including Kenya, continue to struggle with reading. The input of the teacher in imparting reading skills is critically important. It is tenable that teachers’ characteristics have a role. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the teachers’ level of motivation on the learners’ acquisition of reading skills in pre-primary. The study was conducted in Belgut, Kericho […]

Assessment of Aflatoxin Contamination in Malted Maize and Finger Millet at Msundwe Market, Malawi
Assessment of Aflatoxin Contamination in Malted Maize and Finger Millet at Msundwe Market, Malawi

Agness Kamphete, Lerisha Msowoya, Christopher Kalima PhiriAgriculture Department, LakeView College, Malawi Adventist University, MalawiEmail: msowoyal@mau.adventist.org Abstract: Mycotoxins such as aflatoxin have a great effect on both nutrition and economic activities. In the food supply chain, these need to be controlled by training farmers in the post-harvest handling of the crop hence improving the exports as well as nutrition impact. Grain crops are the most prone to the aflatoxin challenge. As one way of disseminating information on aflatoxin in malted maize and finger millet, random sampling was done on selected malt sellers of the two crops at Msundwe market under Mpingu […]

Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employee Performance in Non-Governmental Organizations: A Case of World Vision International Rwanda (WVIR)
Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employee Performance in Non-Governmental Organizations: A Case of World Vision International Rwanda (WVIR)

Jacqueline Mbabazi & Ruth OdengoUniversity of KigaliEmail: jmbabazi19@gmail.com Abstract: This study explores the impact of individual goal setting on employee performance at World Vision International Rwanda (WVIR). A descriptive research design combining both quantitative and qualitative methods was employed. The target population consisted of 136 employees, with data collected using a census method, capturing responses from all members of the target population. Inferential analysis was conducted using SPSS software version 21. The findings revealed a strong positive correlation between individual goal setting and employee performance, with a Pearson correlation coefficient of r =0.700, indicating a significant relationship. Regression analysis further […]

Effect of Teacher Training on Implementation of Inclusive Education in Public Primary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya
Effect of Teacher Training on Implementation of Inclusive Education in Public Primary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya

Sally ChumoSchool of EducationUniversity of EldoretEmail: sallychumo@yahoo.com Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the effect of teacher training on the implementation of inclusive education in public primary schools in Nandi County, Kenya. The study focused on a sample of 376 respondents, including 62 headteachers, 308 teachers, and 6 Sub-County Directors of Education, selected through stratified, simple random, and purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected through questionnaires for headteachers and teachers, and interviews for Sub-County Directors of Education. The study employed both descriptive and inferential statistics, with multiple regression analysis used to test the hypotheses concerning the relationship between teacher training […]

Effects of Parental Functioning on Career Path Selection of University Students in Kisumu City, Kisumu County, Kenya
Effects of Parental Functioning on Career Path Selection of University Students in Kisumu City, Kisumu County, Kenya

Asuma Mariita Nchaga & Murongo EsauKampala International University, UgandaEmail: corneliusasuma@gmail.com Abstract: This paper investigated the effects of parental functioning on career path selection of University students in Kisumu City, Kisumu County, Kenya. A descriptive survey design was used in the study. The study respondents were 10690 as the target population and a sample of 371 participants were selected using Krejcie and Morgan (1970) formula. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data using SPSS version 24. Results revealed that 92.1% variation in career path selection among university students is explained by parental functioning. The results indicated that 7.9% variation […]

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Influence of Students’ Study Habits on Academic Dishonesty in Public Secondary Schools in Makueni County, Kenya
Effect of Project Environment on Success of Peat Power Plant Projects in Rwanda
Teachers’ Motivation and Its Influence on Acquisition of Reading Skills among Pre-Primary Pupils in Belgut, Kericho County, Kenya
Assessment of Aflatoxin Contamination in Malted Maize and Finger Millet at Msundwe Market, Malawi
Effect of Performance Appraisal on Employee Performance in Non-Governmental Organizations: A Case of World Vision International Rwanda (WVIR)
Effect of Teacher Training on Implementation of Inclusive Education in Public Primary Schools in Nandi County, Kenya
Effects of Parental Functioning on Career Path Selection of University Students in Kisumu City, Kisumu County, Kenya
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