Influence of Parental Economic Status and Utilization of Teaching and Learning Resources on Achievement of Basic Reading Skills among Grade Two Learners in Public Primary Schools in Nyamira South Sub-County, Nyamira County, Kenya

Influence of Parental Economic Status and Utilization of Teaching and Learning Resources on Achievement of Basic Reading Skills among Grade Two Learners in Public Primary Schools in Nyamira South Sub-County, Nyamira County, Kenya

Mamboleo Mary, Dr.Areba N. George & Dr. Ezekiel Omwenga – Kisii University

Received January 2, 2020; Revised March 29, 2020; Accepted March 30, 2020

Abstract: Various studies a cross the world have shown that majority of public primary school learners do not perform well in reading skills. Despite this observation, no systematic studies have been undertaken to establish the cause. The current study sought to explore selected factors influencing basic reading skills achievement, among grade two learners in public primary schools in Nyamira South Sub-County, Kenya. The study objectives were; to investigate the extent to which learners’ parental economic status influence basic reading skills and to examine how utilization of teaching and learning resources influenced basic reading skills. The target population for the current study comprised of 45 grade two teachers from 45 public primary schools, 2,025 grade two parents and 1 Quality Assurance Officer. Descriptive survey design was utilized. The sample size of parents was 203 and 14 grade two teachers from 14 public primary schools and 1 quality Assurance Officer. The research instruments were; interview guides and questionnaires. Data was gathered and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively by use of a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 21.0. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data. Data presentation was by use of tables and figures. The study established that parents’ economic status and utilization of teaching and learning materials greatly influenced the achievement of basic reading skills for grade two learners. The study recommends full financing of primary education by the government . Additionally , the government and stakeholders should ensure availability and proper utilization of recommended teaching and learning resources in public primary schools. Significantly, the findings of thisstudy will guide policy on basic reading skills and aid to improve basic reading skills among grade two learners